Recent content by CajunRoo

  1. CajunRoo

    Flashy Ladies, Shady Fellas

    Australorp, she is 1 of 4 that I have.
  2. CajunRoo

    Flashy Ladies, Shady Fellas

    showing off
  3. CajunRoo

    First time brooder

    Good setup I'd say, should be bigger IMO. If you intend on keeping the chicks in there until 6weeks old, it won't be enough room those last couple weeks. I had the exact same items you do with similar size brooder and figured out quick they needed more space. Change out your shavings every 2...
  4. CajunRoo

    Rooster introduction to Flock

    I raised 10 chicks from day old to ~16 weeks old all together, all female of a couple different breeds. I introduced an adult (1yr old) rooster into the flock and I would like to see if anyone else has done something similar and what was the outcome. I have had him in the flock for 2 weeks now...
  5. CajunRoo

    What do your dogs see chickens as?

    Food.. everything is food to my dog. I picked her up off the side of the road in the sticks of farmland north Louisiana about 10yrs ago and she was not starving, but def not well fed, full of fleas/ticks, and dirty. She had to hunt for her food and prolly fought for it too. Anything that is not...
  6. CajunRoo

    Do your chickens “play” with your dog?

    My dog likes to play with any chicken with her mouth and teeth.. aggressively. 🍗
  7. CajunRoo

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    If you want to get rid of him let me know, my dog just ate 2 hens so I have some spare room now..
  8. CajunRoo

    New to Chickenry

    Hello fellow Louisiana-ian! I just leave the door open during daylight hours so they can free roam in the fenced area of the backyard. I just have to prioritize who gets to use the backyard, the dogs or the chickens. The male chick I had was a NHR and I would probably get another, or a Speckled...
  9. CajunRoo

    New to Chickenry

    They will have to deal with 5ftsq each until I open the door when I get home from work. I was told the tractor's capacity was 12 large chickens..
  10. CajunRoo

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Ha! Small world I tell ya. Just 1 for now not really particular on breed but liiking for relatively young boy since all my girls are ~12 weeks and never layed
  11. CajunRoo

    what feed

    Did you have any trouble with the transition from chick starter to layer feed?
  12. CajunRoo

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Looking for large size, no bantam. If I had a preference, it would be a new Hampshire or Sussex
  13. CajunRoo

    New to Chickenry

    I said it in the "Froghorn Leghorn" voice 🐔
  14. CajunRoo

    New to Chickenry

    Is 5'x8' with raised roosting area 5'x5' inside not enough for a dozen cluckers??
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