Recent content by CahoonCustomCutting

  1. C

    Cold growing potatoes?

    Here in Alberta I like to plant my potatoes when the nights stay above 35 and the days are a minimum of 50 but we need everyday of growing up here
  2. C

    Not a dandelion! What is it?

    Looks similar to sow thistle
  3. C


    I have been looking up a few things about quail while trying to decide what time of livestock to get for my little acreage. How long after introducing a roo and a hen will the hen lay a fertilized egg? And how long will she be laying fertilized eggs? Which does everybody prefer to let the...
  4. C

    "A" frame coop for ducks

    Bones are good for soup. But my first ducks will be appleyards thank you for all your help and recommendations
  5. C

    "A" frame coop for ducks

    Ok so with 5 layers I could get away with a 6x8 coop and the meat birds will all be kept separate. But with 5 birds about how many eggs could we expect. I'm sorry for all the questions but I am new to poultry and just want to do it right
  6. C

    "A" frame coop for ducks

    I don't really care about profit I'm mainly just after eggs because I prefer them to chicken eggs. If I can get a couple bucks for a few ducklings or eggs I'd be happy. What size of coop do I need for my layers assuming that I have 8 laying ducks over the winter. And my meat birds will probably...
  7. C

    "A" frame coop for ducks

    I plan on having only ducks as I plan to keep for eggs. Any drakes I get will meat my knife once they are a good eating size. But as for breeds I will be ordering a straight run of 10 silver appleyard day olds and possibly later in the year a straight run of 10 chocolate Indian Runner day...
  8. C

    "A" frame coop for ducks

    I am finally getting into raising ducks and I am wondering ifa 6'x8' a frame coop with windows on either end will be good enough for a dozen to a dozen and a half ducks. I already know that I have to make sure that it is insulated. As winters here can get down to the mid minus forties. But how...
  9. C

    Garage to a duck house

    I am wondering if anyone here could lend some advice for turning an old single car garage to a duck house.
  10. C

    Northern living in Alberta, Canada

    I don't have any birds just yet but I am moving to a place just by Darwell and am looking at getting ducks in the spring. So I am watching alot of the Canadian and Albertan posts to get a clue of what to expect
  11. C

    Northern living in Alberta, Canada

    How did your chickens handle this last cold snap. I can't imagine how it was on them I know I didn't like it.
  12. C


    I'm just wondering if breeding a runner drake with the appleyard duck would raise the egg production rate of the off spring while keeping the heavy body or breeding the other way would be better. And if they took the runner shape would they put better weight. Or will I just have to wait and see...
  13. C


    In the fall I am looking into breeding some ducks and I am wondering if anyone else has crossed Black Indian Runners with Silver Appleyards and what the results of that cross were.
  14. C

    Appleyards or Indian Runners

    Some things iv read say that the silver appleyards are rather loud but when people say loud are we talking close to rooster crowing or just like the banter of a cow calf operation
  15. C

    Appleyards or Indian Runners

    Hello I am just getting into birds and am wondering which would be better on a 3 acre farmstead Indian Runners or Silver Appleyards. I am looking primary for egg production but I would also like to eat a duck or two as they hatchery I am looking at only sells straight runs and I don't want to...
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