Recent content by BuggerChicken01

  1. BuggerChicken01

    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    Hey all! Thanks for checking in. Right now I’ve got a little guy with one eye and extreme scissor beak, we’re trying to decide between the names Popeye or Mike Wazowski.
  2. BuggerChicken01

    Looking for Cochin Rooster

    True, but we are looking for a cockerel that can keep a good social hierarchy in the flock. At the moment we have one squeaky little bantam rooster that picks on everyone else, and we need someone to put him in his place if you know what I mean. ;)
  3. BuggerChicken01

    Looking for Cochin Rooster

    Hello! I’m looking for a purebred, non hatchery standard Cochin cockerel. Around 6-7 months old. We won’t use him for breeding purposes, we just want an easy going guy to look over our hens. My kids would also like to show him next summer at the 4H poultry show so he’ll be adored and well cared...
  4. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    I think we are just going to bury her, sending her somewhere would probably be expensive and I don’t want to cut her open. But thank you for the suggestion. ❤️
  5. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    I think @aart was right. She passed away during the night, but I don’t think there was anything we could do for her. She was still having trouble breathing, and there was no way that lump would have been able to come out. Thank you for everyone’s help here, I hope you never have to experience...
  6. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    Thank you! I will! :fl I also found something that a chicken can develop called a lash egg, it is a pocket of hard and soft puss and tissue that forms where the egg is developed. Since I do not feel any super hard shape in her abdomen, it might actually be one of those. I hope not! (My profile...
  7. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    Ok, it’s ok! Sorry for the confusion. I didn’t write it in a very clear way either.
  8. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    Do you know what type of liquid and what it does? I can try and search for it on google.
  9. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    When she first started acting weird I could feel a big lump in her abdomen, but only when it started getting serious did I try and feel exactly what is in her. Currently it is so big and filled with fluid (I assume poop?) that I cannot feel the hard thing anymore. And yes, she did breath in when...
  10. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    Thank you! Sorry to ask, but what will tagging do? I am super new to this website, I am still figuring out how things work.
  11. BuggerChicken01

    Please help! Bantam is egg bound and I accidentally got NutriDrentch in her lungs

    My Dutch bantam hen had not been acting right for a few days and I had felt that she was significantly heavier in her abdomen. I realized she is egg bound because she shows all the signs, and started soaking her in warm water and massaging it. It has been four days now and she has stopped...
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