Recent content by budkingston

  1. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    Interesting egg scale restoration video
  2. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    Did you or did you not order a code red?!
  3. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    A short video on how to recharge a well. Running them dry is day fro a well. Very bad. The overuse of well water in the San Jauquin Valley has actually lowered the land elevation by 32 feet, compacting the clay. It will take centuries fro that water to flow through that soil again.
  4. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    IF you build small piles of brush or dirt around a well that can collect any water passing over the top, you can save a well. As long is water is flowing, they continue to flow. Once they go dry, it takes a lot longer for them to return, given equal level of ground water
  5. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    I’ll keep that in mind. I’d do it now, but I’m already over my limit... while I was storing the Dorkings, I kept waiting for that knock on the door...
  6. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    If I lived in the county, I’d go buy some random fertilized eggs off Craigslist and hatch them out. I’d never buy a chicken in the store again. The price on this is going to shoot up tremendously, probably more than it has. I went to buy some steel yesterday. There are shortages of that! Went...
  7. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    Not sure if you’ve seen this... but I thought it was funny
  8. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    You mean, side effect of our incompetent government response dealing with COVID.
  9. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    Better start hatching those eggs!
  10. budkingston

    Wont eat eggs because of rooster?

    I was living in LA and went into a “health food” store. They had brown eggs for $4 a dozen (~1983). I asked the clerk, as I was raised on farms, how they could justify $4/dozen for eggs since it was the chicken’s breed that laid the egg. He made a disparaging comment about his boss’s customers...
  11. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    I have a 1200 watt PA system with built in amplified speakers, basically 6-15” speakers. That doesn’t include the 12” monitors and my 300 watt guitar amp powering 8-12” speakers and various 15-300 watt bass amps and various guitar amps It would be nothing to drown out the encroaching mariachi...
  12. budkingston

    Wont eat eggs because of rooster?

    Ironically, there’s also a health food cult that thinks that fertilized eggs are healthier for you... you just can’t win with people that are so far removed from the food source they don’t know what eggs are.
  13. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    He crowed yesterday and once about 10 days ago. He may have crowed other times but the time I heard him, it wasn’t a very masculine volume. My daughter heard the other time and she said it wasn’t loud. He doesn’t stand up like a rooster, he hunches like a hen.
  14. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    The Silver Gray Dorking chickens are now at their final destination, no, it’s not Kentucky fried! I made 3 videos for my Bitchute channel. If you are interested, you can check it out: There was a rooster already living there, some kind of barred...
  15. budkingston

    Arizona Chickens

    People that live in cities have all manner of delusions. I was lucky in that I was raised on farms in the Midwest so when I lived in actual cities like LA, the groupthink echo chambers still couldn’t gaslight me into their psychosis. I went into a health food store and they had brown eggs for...
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