Recent content by buckeyechick

  1. buckeyechick

    Fence Height

    I am reading this discussion because I anticipate needing to fence a free range area. We have coyotes in large numbers, the neighbors have dogs, and one neighbor is a chronic authority-caller. I will have Buckeyes, RIR, and Buff Orpingtons, most likely... Has anyone tried the kind of baffle...
  2. buckeyechick

    Black oil sunflower seed/Feeding question...

    Does anyone use peanut hearts?
  3. buckeyechick

    Nature Question. Cant figure out what this odd looking plant is! (Pic)

    This is called Squaw Root. It is a parasitic plant that grows on the roots of Oak trees. At the end of summer, it will dry up and go away. It's a common woodland plant.
  4. buckeyechick

    Rooster noise and neighbors...?

    I take it that housing a rooster in a coop with no windows/lights at night, and timing the morning with a light timer, will not throw off the time of his morning announcements... If my setting were more rural, I would not worry, but I do have two neighbors (neither next door) that are chronic...
  5. buckeyechick

    Rooster noise and neighbors...?

    I am new here... from Ohio. I live in an area where chickens will be legal. However, my neighbors and I own 1.5 acre lots, and I have two neighbors that are rumored to be complainers to the local authorities. I would rather avoid such complaints. I am planning to set up a small group of...
  6. buckeyechick

    Howdeee! from Ohio... (new member)

    For now, I'm "Buckeyechick". I live in central Ohio, and I will be learning from this community for the next several months, I hope... I am the former owner of a Barred Rock (sex link) rooster named Cogburn, a White Leghorn hen named "Banty", and a red mix named "Rhoda". (Yeah, I know my...
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