Name's Noble. You can call me Buck. That's what I'm called 'round these parts. What's that? You wanna know where "these parts" is? Hehe, I ain't so sure you really wanna know... Ok fine, I'll tell ya. I'm from Florida. You might be thinking, "oh that don't sound too bad, y'all got beaches and stuff there. Well listen, if you don't live right on the beach, then it's 100 degrees year round and it feels like you're breathing underwater. I live up in the north central parts of Florida, where we get no ocean breeze. We get year round summer, a few weeks of fall, an unbearable couple weeks of winter, then a pollen apocalypse in the spring.

Now enough about where I live, now it's time to talk about me. Well, I love hunting, I love fishing, and I love God. If you don't like that about me, well... Deal with it, cuz I ain't never gonna change. I'm just a down-to-earth country boy and that's just the way I like to roll. Over and out.
April 7
The Sticks
Real Name
Noble D. Smith
My Coop
My Coop
Why do you want to join our community?
I want to learn more about raising, hatching, selling chickens, and how to keep my flock healthy and safe.
Hunter and farmer


-Keep calm and go hunting!🦌🦆🦃-
All people were created EQUAL. No matter the color of their skin. Red, yellow, black, and white, we're all equal in His sight!


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