Recent content by Bruin1107

  1. Bruin1107

    Duck ID help

    Thanks! I see the Muscovy now! She's getting the signatures red around the beak!!
  2. Bruin1107

    Duck ID help

    Ya he's really sweet. Comes right up to me. Thanks for the help!
  3. Bruin1107

    Duck ID help

    Any ideas on this one? A neighbor rescued it off the street and brought it to us.
  4. Bruin1107

    Keep a word, drop a word!

    Aunt Jemima
  5. Bruin1107

    Help me please i don't know what type of chicks these are can someone help me.

    Looks like Easter eggers to me...Araucana chicks
  6. Bruin1107

    Hurt chicken

    This has happened to my hens before. Blue Kote works great. Ive usually cleaned the wounds and when its dry, sprayed with blue kote and put the hen back in the coop. As long as she is eating and drinking it should be fine. It does take quite a while for feathers to grow back..if ever. So you may...
  7. Bruin1107

    leaving chickens while on vacation

    I see. Always good to plan in advance. I have been away for 5 days max. Had a neighbor come over day 3 to check on the ladies and grab the eggs for me (even though they would be fine out there for a few days) Here is the feeder i bought...
  8. Bruin1107

    leaving chickens while on vacation

    Your chicks wont be laying eggs at 4 weeks old. It takes months for them to start laying. I have left my flock alone numeroud times. Just left a bunch of food and water, I also hd one of my neighbors stop by to make sure they didnt eat/drink everything. Wouldnt worry to much...
  9. Bruin1107

    Things you never said until you had chickens.......

    Sitting in my office at work...reaching into my pocket..."oh ****, I forgot to take the eggs out of my pocket this morning"
  10. Bruin1107

    Dog attack

    @motleysussex I'm surprised you were told that. I have been recommended Blue kote by many feed store owners and farm folk. It's worked wonders for my hens. I truly believed its saved them on numerous occasions and it has not caused any sickness or poison related symptoms. I swear by the stuff...
  11. Bruin1107

    Cicadas are coming, will you let your chickens out?

    I actually didnt even think about doing this. But its probably a great idea to help cut back on the numbers of Cicadas, but are they ok for the chickens to eat? Thanks for the tip!
  12. Bruin1107

    Dog attack

    @motley I have survived quite a few dog attacks on my hens. I found that washing the wounds and applying a heavy layer of Blue Kote has saved every one of them. Blue Kote was recommended to me by the local feed store owner. It really has worked wonders, kept my hens from infection, maggot...
  13. Bruin1107

    Baby ducks are hatched!!

    Carcar the house is my profile picture if you want to have a look. The fence is gone now and we built a front porch.
  14. Bruin1107

    Baby ducks are hatched!!

    @carcar80 this is her 2nd time too. Her first round she hatched only 2 and none survived. We live on a pond, and built the ducks a house on stilts in the water. She made her nest in there and that's where she currently is with the babies. I blocked her enterance out of the house and put some...
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