Recent content by BrinJame

  1. BrinJame

    Looking for another female button quail around Delaware

    Great idea! Thank you so much!
  2. BrinJame

    Looking for another female button quail around Delaware

    Hi quail friends! Turns out our 3 button quail that hatched are two males & one female which is a no bueno! I was hopeful that our silver & black one would be a female.....nope! They are 9 weeks old & the males are getting aggressive with the female...yikes. so I was hoping, crossing fingers...
  3. BrinJame

    Button quail colors...

    Thanks!! That gray & black one is our favorite. It is the smallest one too. We thought the silver was a male also since it has a bib. We should be good with one male & two females. Just not two males & a female. Enjoy the day everyone!!
  4. BrinJame

    Button quail colors...

    Hi everyone! We have 3 chicks that hatched 5 1/2 weeks ago and have watched their colors change some. I'm glad we have three different colors, easy for me to tell them apart! My question is, can any one tell me what colors they are? I think one maybe a silver? Not sure. Any ideas? Or does anyone...
  5. BrinJame

    Any advice: Spraddle leg on two baby button quail

    Thank you! I did read this article earlier and am looking for some xs chicken bands. I am just hopeful that if these don’t work, these chicks will still be ok. Much appreciated!!!!
  6. BrinJame

    Any advice: Spraddle leg on two baby button quail

    Hey there! I had three button quail chicks hatch last Wednesday. One has Spraddle leg which I noticed happening on day 3. On day 4 I had another chick hatch and is ok. Then on day 5, I had a chick that we assisted in hatching who now also has spraddle leg. We have tried putting them in shot...
  7. BrinJame

    Pipping egg taking a long time.

    Morning! We have had 4 hatchlings of button quail. 3 were hatched 2 days ago, 1 hatched yesterday. We still have 6 eggs in the incubator. We heard some faint chirps last night & were hopeful the chick would've hatched by now. We can still hear chirping but don't see what egg it is. We are...
  8. BrinJame

    Button quail eggs not hatching...any insight?

    Thank you for all of that great info. & for the hope you gave my daughter!! When arrived home today, we found 3 babies with a 4th on its way...we still have potential 7 eggs to hatch. Good to know that day 0 should be when we set the eggs, so updated count, today is Day 19. Stay tuned and...
  9. BrinJame

    Button quail eggs not hatching...any insight?

    Hey everyone! New to this community and posting for the first time. Hoping some there are some button quail peeps out there that might be able to give us some insight as to possibilities why our quail eggs are not hatching and if there is still hope? We are on day 19 of being in the incubator...
  10. BrinJame

    Hoping to hatch several button quail eggs this weekend.

    Hoping to hatch several button quail eggs this weekend.
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