Recent content by Breannemoreno

  1. B

    Is this bumble foot?

    Hi! My duck is acting totally fine, eating normally and not lethargic or limping. I noticed these spots on her feet. The brown spot is on one foot and looks like a scab. The other one is a red spot. Flat, not lumpy. Not sure what this is? Thank you!
  2. B

    Holes in Indian runner's foot

    Thanks so much! I will do that
  3. B

    Holes in Indian runner's foot

    I feel awful, but I'm not sure. I just noticed them today
  4. B

    Holes in Indian runner's foot

    Hi all! My Indian runner, Poe, has holes in her foot webbing. She seems perfectly fine other than the holes. What is this and should she go to the vet?
  5. B

    Indian runner duck is fluffed up and irritated

    Okay thanks! Good to know!
  6. B

    Indian runner duck is fluffed up and irritated

    Thank you! No, she's fine!
  7. B

    Indian runner duck is fluffed up and irritated

    Hi all! This is my first year with adult runner ducks. I have 8 ladies. Last week, we didn't collect eggs regularly due to crazy work schedules. One of my ducks, pebbles, became what we thought was broody. She was severely agitated and rarely left the nest. I started collecting the eggs again...
  8. B

    Tiny bump on top of Indian Runner duck foot

    They have niacin in their food, but I'll double check and check the amount as well!
  9. B

    Tiny bump on top of Indian Runner duck foot

    Hey! Thank you! She seems to be doing okay today. Little bump is still there, but no limping. I am new to this and freak out over anything haha 😂
  10. B

    Tiny bump on top of Indian Runner duck foot

    Hi all! I noticed today that my black Indian Runner duck, Poe, is tucking her leg up when she stands. I noticed slight limping and inspected her feet. I noticed a tiny bump on the top of her foot. We have bees, so I suppose it could be a bee sting? I see no visible injuries or bumble foot on...
  11. B

    Indian Runner duck just started limping

    What a cutie! Yep! That's exactly what mine look like
  12. B

    Indian Runner duck just started limping

    Thank you! Yes, I think her leg might have become caught in something bc the cut is so very small. She is now quarantined in her run. Her sisters are not leaving her side and staying very close to her. I will order some liquid b right now. Is there a brand you would recommend?
  13. B

    Indian Runner duck just started limping

    Thanks! I have one lady with a green beak. Her name is now lady green beak 😂
  14. B

    Indian Runner duck just started limping

    I also have another question for you. Do any of your white and fawns have green spots on their beaks?
  15. B

    Indian Runner duck just started limping

    Hi! Thank you so much! I just did the vetercin method ❤️ Yes! Let me find a pic of her. Her name is Tulip. I have 6 white and fawn, one black and then tulip, who I think is blue? I don't remember the name for the gray ones.
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