Recent content by BrahmaMama207

  1. BrahmaMama207

    Often lethargic, tail-down and skinny hen not acting like her sisters

    Thanks for your Qs @LaFleche ! I’ve never dewormed the flock (should I??). Last egg was perfect and yesterday, though she’s laid soft eggs before B/c she’s the only one with trouble, it makes me wonder if it’s more like ‘she’s got reproductive/digestive problems’ rather than ‘this is an...
  2. BrahmaMama207

    Often lethargic, tail-down and skinny hen not acting like her sisters

    I'm posting here, hoping to draw on your experience and wisdom 🙏 Bloomers is an 11mo old light brahma who i've been keeping my eye on for a week. There was no acute injury or incident that I'm aware of. Field observations: Behavior Often laying down /resting when the rest of the flock is...
  3. BrahmaMama207

    Shop that sells wires doesn't have stainless or powder coated, can galvanized- zinc coated be used?

    Found this thread after my 3-year old Dark Brahma Fuzzball was diagnosed with zinc poisoning She has 5-year old sisters that have never been sick The galvanized hardware cloth we’ve used to protect the Run is the culprit. She tries to peck at the compost pile (left) through the screen and it...
  4. BrahmaMama207

    My Homemade Canadian Coop

    Your coop project is awesome! 🤩 Thank you so much for sharing the saga You’ve got this @MACCanadianCoop ! 🙌🏼
  5. BrahmaMama207

    Review by 'BrahmaMama207' in article 'Integrating new birds at 4 weeks old'

    So inspired by your article. Thank you @aart 🤗 My light Brahma babes are 3 weeks and have been out in the run since they were 1 week, doing ‘you can see, but no touching’ with the big girls. When I’m back from the long weekend travel, I’ll add their panic doors. Thanks for your awesome article!
  6. BrahmaMama207

    Comment by 'BrahmaMama207' in article 'My coop brooder and Integration'

    So inspired by your article. Thank you @blackdog043 🤗 My light Brahma babes are 3 weeks and have been out in the run since they were 1 week, doing ‘you can see, but no touching’ with the big girls. When I’m back from the long weekend travel, I’ll add their panic doors. Thanks for your awesome...
  7. BrahmaMama207

    Help decide which feed to give to my chickens...

    Brahmas are so fun to raise! 🤗
  8. BrahmaMama207

    [Mystery] Balding flock of Brahmas

    It’s been over a year @dawg53 and I’m circling back to say you were right. I added a big yard - another 625 sq ft- in which they range all day every day. Mystery solved. They were bored and needed a bit more space For ages I’ve been meaning to circle back to say thank you THANK YOU @dawg53...
  9. BrahmaMama207

    Review by 'BrahmaMama207' in article 'Reasons for Tossing Out Your Indoor Brooder and Start Raising Your Chicks Outdoors'

    I just love this article and have read it several times over the years. Thank you @azygous ! I’m raising my third set of chicks up in Portland, ME. First mail-order babies, so started under a lamp. By day 4 we were taking field trips out to the big girl yard, supervised and with a baby-sized...
  10. BrahmaMama207

    Topic of the Week - What do you do with all those eggs?

    We give away whatever we don’t eat
  11. BrahmaMama207

    [Mystery] Balding flock of Brahmas

    I’m feeding them what our vet (who has a flock of 50) recommended for them. I’ve been watching more closely for pecking- and it’s subtle - but that’s def what’s happening. Bored Brahmas! We can fix this!
  12. BrahmaMama207

    [Mystery] Balding flock of Brahmas

    Yes! I do that, though I’ve rigged up a bigger grate from an old toaster rack. Thank you @HiEverybirdy !
  13. BrahmaMama207

    [Mystery] Balding flock of Brahmas

    I think you might be right @dawg53 . I can’t find any mites/lice Brahmas are big! here’s the coop. Six hens live here. You think it should be bigger?
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