Recent content by Boxtor

  1. B

    Vitamin B deficiency in quail chick

    Apologies, I don't have a very good camera at my disposal, but here are some photos I managed to take. It is in a small brooder separate from the other one. It's a bit wet because it just fell into the waterer, which is what my main concern has been, that it'll drown. I'm feeding the parents a...
  2. B

    Vitamin B deficiency in quail chick

    Hello again, I've successfully begun hatching a second generation of quail after breeding some that I hatched from a local farm. I have two healthy males and have just hatched two more, but one of them I was worried would not make it. They hatched three days ago. I left it in the egg after it...
  3. B

    Quail breed identification and temperament differences

    Hello, I am new to quail farming and forum posting altogether, so please bear with me if I’ve missed something. I am hoping to gain some insight on the types of quail I’m raising and if it’s the reason for their differences in temperament. Right now I have one male and three females in a...
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