Recent content by Blueggchick

  1. Blueggchick

    Incubator power out for two days and still went on to hatch. :)

    I just leaned something exciting about incubating chicks that I want to share. If for some reason you loose power for a day or two, your hatch still might make it. Just heat the eggs back up to normal temps and proceed. Here is what happend to me. My hubby unplugged my incubator the...
  2. Blueggchick

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    I was planning on going but hubby had to work at the last minute. I heard they were might be having this meet in Covington once a month. That would be great!
  3. Blueggchick

    plenty of hens not a single egg!

    I'm going through the same thing. Only 1 egg every few days. Must be the change of weather or they are molting.
  4. Blueggchick

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Just wanted to stop in and say "Hi". Ive been away because of illness, and have been just taking it day by day. Sure wish the mosquitoes would go away so I can enjoy sitting out there with my chickens more often. Have any of you noticed them being a lot worse this year? I think this is the...
  5. Blueggchick

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Thats what I did also, and turned on a heat lamp in each pen. I feel so bad that I can't bring them in with me....LOL. Thank goodness we will be back to the 70's in a couple more days. Hope everyone is able to keep nice and toasty!
  6. Blueggchick

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Hi and welcome. I also live in Ponchy. Very close to the Robert area. Were your hubby got your chicks is where I go to get my chicken and horse feed. Nice people there! Nice to meet you.
  7. Blueggchick

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Quote: Three already, Wow! Yep this cold weather is going to be good for the hunters.
  8. Blueggchick

    "Louisiana "La-yers" Peeps"

    Not looking forward to the lows in the 30's this weekend. Neither are my hens and roos!
  9. Blueggchick

    Keeping dogs ears clean

    I have a rottweiler and I use a combination of 1/2 apple cider vinegar and 1/2 peroxide in a spray bottle. I spray a little in the ear and use a cotton ball to dry out. Helps keep yeast away.
  10. Blueggchick

    Seriously, 30 weeks and no eggs?

    Hi: I have a couple blue Ameraucana hens that are 30 weeks that still have not layed a single egg. Getting worried here! I have some split Ameraucan's that are 23 weeks old and they are not laying yet either. I decided to put a light up today to give them more daylight time to see if that...
  11. Blueggchick


    Hello and from SE Louisiana.
  12. Blueggchick

    A New Newbie

    Welcome from SE Louisiana. Glad to meet ya!
  13. Blueggchick

    Toughest decision ever...our last chick born with no eyes

    How sad! I am sorry you had to go through this. That would be a very hard decision for me also.
  14. Blueggchick

    For those of you out there that hate King snakes (black snakes)

    Quote: I'm sure they're correct. Moccasins are creatures of lowlands. Water moccasins (cotton mouths) are generally slow moving snakes. I've often walked right up to them and they do little except tilt their heads back and flash the white inside of their mouths. They can lay with their heads...
  15. Blueggchick

    Ive fallen madly in love.....with Silkies! *Pics*

    Way too cute! I was thinking of getting a couple of silkies also. Adorable!
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