Recent content by bknoth

  1. bknoth

    4th Grader gets local chicken ordinance changed for school project...

    Hi, Just letting Opa and BYC know the T-shirt and bumper stickers arrived a few days ago. My daughter loves both, and a thank-you note is on it's way to Opa. She's handed bumper stickers out to several 4H families, put them on our cars, and we passed one on to Chuck, who lives near-by. Thank...
  2. bknoth

    City of San Carlos' Ordinance

    Here's the ordinance for our town (a densely populated suburban town about 25 miles below San Francisco): The pdf, which is formatted nicely, is here: ORDINANCE NO. 1398 ORDINANCE OF THE CITY...
  3. bknoth

    4th Grader gets local chicken ordinance changed for school project...

    Quote: I think we found it as we were doing coop-building research. My wife (username "san carlos") joined when one of our chickens developed a prolapsed vent (that chicken, alas, is no longer with us, but not for lack of effort on our part). When your email newsletter came yesterday, I saw...
  4. bknoth

    4th Grader gets local chicken ordinance changed for school project...

    OK, the 4th grader is my daughter, so there's some bragging here. I will say she learned a tremendous amount about local government, politics, and how to get things done in the city (as did her parents). The short story is that our town did not allow any backyard chickens (neighboring towns...
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