Recent content by Bkaye

  1. Bkaye

    Coccidiosis? Or something else?

    Just pull the hairs back over her ears and give it a look. If it’s an ear infection there should be gunk in the ear canal that you will be able to see.
  2. Bkaye

    Coccidiosis? Or something else?

    Have you checked his ears? I would check his ears to see if maybe he has an ear infection. I’ve had a couple get ear infections and they always gape and shake their heads.
  3. Bkaye

    Avian diseases and fermented feed

    Thanks! That makes me feel better for the upcoming summer. I will say my girls seem to love it.
  4. Bkaye

    Avian diseases and fermented feed

    They have been doing pretty good. I’ve noticed since starting fermented feed they seem to respond to treatment better when coccidiosis flares up. I’ve lost one since starting ff but she was sick prior to starting and had gone blind. In my opinion it seemed to help and I plan to keep on with it...
  5. Bkaye


    Out of the birds I have my Brahmas have been my hardiest breeds in my lf and my cochins in my bantams. My Brahmas were also vaccinated, they are the only vaccinated birds I have right now. Belgium breeds for me have been my most susceptible. I have lost a D’uccle and a ton of D’anvers. I do...
  6. Bkaye


    I’ll also say that I have noticed that I have more secondary issues due to their compromised immune system. They seem to get coccidiosis at a drop of a dime and reguardless what treatment I use, I have to use multiple treatments for it to make a difference. This has been confirmed on fecal...
  7. Bkaye


    I believe so. Only some of my original birds were vaccinated. I bought my first from tsc and a few days later ordered more from meyers which were vaccinated. I’ve lost a couple from each group to things I’m sure was other than Marek’s, but I’ve also lost some from each group that I know were due...
  8. Bkaye


    I got my Marek’s diagnosis a year ago last January, I’ve lost many birds but I’ve also had birds survive and seem to be resistant so far. Out of my original birds I’ve lost 6, 2 of those were vaccinated. I hatched out 12 quail dancers the September before my diagnosis, I lost all 12 with the...
  9. Bkaye

    North Carolina

    Also if you don’t mind having them shipped I know @KristenG also sells hatching eggs and chicks, she’s in Tennessee.
  10. Bkaye

    North Carolina

    Green gravel farms I believe has Watermaal and she’s in the Raleigh area. I know she posts a lot of her stuff on Facebook. Here is her website. When I inquired about her birds she informed me that she does not do a waitlist anymore but posts her available birds...
  11. Bkaye

    Life AND Fowl -- it it Possible?

    This is what we do. I’ve notched the top of my bucket and have stock heaters in my 5 gal buckets. I’ve also made a feeder out of one of the big dog storage containers and have 6 elbows on it. It’ll hold 25lbs of food and will last a week. My water will only last 3-4 days but I’ve seen ways of...
  12. Bkaye

    Hoop coop related question

    We used a 8’ truck bed to transport ours. We placed one end in the bottom of the bed against the cab and walked them up to an arch. My husband held them in place while I shut the tailgate. We then ratchet strapped them down in a x patten from cab to back. It worked really well and have done it a...
  13. Bkaye

    Sick hen….at a loss as to what to try next

    The amoxicillin dosage is 57 mg per pound twice a day.
  14. Bkaye

    Sick hen….at a loss as to what to try next

    You are welcome. Corid is a thiamine blocker, it blocks the thiamine in which coccidiosis lives off. So it basically starves off the coccidiosis and gives your birds a chance to build immunity to it.
  15. Bkaye

    Sick hen….at a loss as to what to try next

    I just thought I’d point out if you’re giving Corid you shouldn’t be giving vitamin B with it. It’ll make the Corid not as effective.
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