Recent content by biscotti

  1. biscotti

    Duck behaviour question: shaking heads and fast movements

    Excited wasn't an emotion I had thought of! There wasn't anything out of the ordinary I could see, but I'll have to check out the area tomorrow and keep that in mind. They definitely aren't acting predator level scared. We had a huge rain storm last night and the weather got colder and windy as...
  2. biscotti

    Duck behaviour question: shaking heads and fast movements

    Im so sorry I thought I had made the link public! I'll try to fix that right now. Thank you for letting me know
  3. biscotti

    Duck behaviour question: shaking heads and fast movements

    I'm wondering if any more experienced duck folk could tell me what these guys are doing? This is a google drive link to the video (It wouldn't upload it here, sorry) [video link] From my perspective it seems like they're anxious and frantically looking in multiple directions back and forth...
  4. biscotti

    Help please! Drakes first mating season - fighting and seperation

    Last update for a bit (hopefully 🤞) Now that the sudden cold snap has passed, they're out in the sunshine enjoying the warm weather and having baths in their jail partitions (lol) The two I'm keeping together still squabble every so often, but they're not hurting each other very badly and I...
  5. biscotti

    Help please! Drakes first mating season - fighting and seperation

    That's on my list once I get the bigger things sorted! To try and avoid that problem in the meantime, I switched up the rooming arrangements tonight; I put the 2 buddies that pick fights with the big duck in the enclosed part of the coop, and so far it looks like the big duck and the more...
  6. biscotti

    Help please! Drakes first mating season - fighting and seperation

    Thank you. This comment really made me feel a little better... I hope they go back to their normal soon. I love my boys so much, it's tough seeing them act out like this for the first time... I'm sure I'll be able to handle it better once we get a new routine going. It'd be easier if the weather...
  7. biscotti

    Help please! Drakes first mating season - fighting and seperation

    Okay, little update for the next day: I figured out a seperation system with chicken wire for their outdoor area for during the day. I have 2 isolated in their own sections, and the other 2 together for now. They're still managing to fight through the fencing a bit which is annoying, but not as...
  8. biscotti

    Help please! Drakes first mating season - fighting and seperation

    Thanks for the reply! I have a foldable wire puppy pen I tried to utilize in their coop for the night, but it looks like they can still get their heads through the gaps and nip each other 🙄 at least the fence stops them from going too crazy... I'll have more time tomorrow to work on stuff...
  9. biscotti

    Help please! Drakes first mating season - fighting and seperation

    Its my first spring (getting close to 1 year mark having my ducks) and I have 4 sibling runner drakes. They've done well together all year (they'll be 1 year in march or may) but now its gotten warmer in one day and they all switched up and are fighting hard together. The most submissive one...
  10. biscotti

    Runner Duck's sunken chest? Fighting?

    No, I do not! I hadn't even considered this to be honest. That's a great idea and I can make another food area today when I get home. I only have 4 ducks, so I hadn't considered needing another, but it might help.
  11. biscotti

    Runner Duck's sunken chest? Fighting?

    This morning I noticed my one boy Runner's chest was looking different than normally and more obviously concave at the top. I'm still so new to owning ducks or birds in general, so sorry if this is a bit of a silly question. I kept an eye on him and he's eating and acting normal, but is the way...
  12. biscotti

    Are these duck nails normal? Or anything to worry about?

    Thanks so much for the reply! I'll definitely keep an eye on them to make sure that doesn't happen. He's not even a year old yet, so I guess only time will tell.
  13. biscotti

    Are these duck nails normal? Or anything to worry about?

    Me too haha The four of them all have different feet colors and nails, but his legs are the most multicolour so the texture stands out a lot
  14. biscotti

    Are these duck nails normal? Or anything to worry about?

    Yeah, he's my pretty boy of the bunch haha! Thank you. So far the opinion seems like he's all ok.
  15. biscotti

    Are these duck nails normal? Or anything to worry about?

    Hi! It's been a while since I've been in here, and I was curious for people's opinions of my boy's nails. Without looking closely they seem fine (and honestly, my initial instinct is that they are) but I'm new to having ducks so I want to have other other people's opinions. I never really...
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