Recent content by Birdybathtime

  1. Birdybathtime

    What’s this weird lump?

    Wait is this her oil gland? I’m so stupid omg lol
  2. Birdybathtime

    What’s this weird lump?

    Ok so I’ve only just noticed this but there’s a weird yellow lump on my brahmas skin near her tail. When I mess with it she doesn’t seem bothered and it’s really stiff and firm. It also seems to be partially in her skin so that’s mostly what I’m worried about. What is it and what should I do??
  3. Birdybathtime

    Weird beak?

    So tostie here idk what happened or how. But her beak got injured I’m guessing. It doesn’t seem to affect her and it seems to be recent as it didn’t look like that a couple weeks ago looking at pictures. She doesn’t seem too affected by it and is acting normal, and she eats fine. and my other...
  4. Birdybathtime

    Hen chick crowing??

    I’ve had luck with rooster collars in the past, never put them on too tight and made sure it couldn’t get caught on anything, and my last roo had long enough feathers that it was covered up to where it couldn’t get caught on anything. But if this lil one is a roo I’ll probably check out more...
  5. Birdybathtime

    Hen chick crowing??

    Some more pictures of the chicken in question, the tail feathers seem to give it away, I’m just gonna hope that I’m lucky and that it’s still a pullet, but that would be a lot of luck. Hopefully it’s the only one out of the three of them, gonna go look at rooster collars I guess lol And the...
  6. Birdybathtime

    Hen chick crowing??

    I got all of them as day old chicks so all of them were sexed before I got them, that’s the main reason why I’m so confused lol
  7. Birdybathtime

    Hen chick crowing??

    Ok so I have 3 chicks who are all supposed to be hens, they are 14 weeks old so a lil over 3 months. And one is trying to crow. She only did it like twice this morning and has showed no other sign of being a roo (longer feathers, small spurs, larger crown, larger size, etc) it’s a bantam Cochin...
  8. Birdybathtime

    Month old chick loosing feathers

    So she’s only lost one feather so far and I wanted to make sure it’s not anything bad and that maybe she just pulled it out by accident. But yeah my month old chick lost a tail feather, they have been preening a lot so I’m pretty sure their feather growth is ok and that I’m just being paranoid...
  9. Birdybathtime

    Chick prolapse

    So I’m pretty sure my chick has a prolapsed vent, she’s about 4 days old and I’ve tried to massage this little bit in, it’s the only part outside and she’s still acting perfectly fine I’m just asking if this might fix itself? Or how to help it back in?
  10. Birdybathtime

    looking for Belgian d'uccle breeders and i dont know how to look

    ok so, its been awhile sense ive been here and well a lot has happened. so about half a year ago a dog got my two birds and i feel i am finally ready to get some chickens again. specifically d'uccles, or any like it. i just would love some help in finding breeders as i don't really know how. i...
  11. Birdybathtime

    How to make an aggressive rooster tame?

    Ok so I have a rooster that is fairly aggressive towards people. I have him and a hen that live together. Sometimes he attacks just cause we come by to refill food/water, sometimes it’s cause we go to pet the docile hen. So I’m guessing he is aggressive due to protecting. How should I make him...
  12. Birdybathtime

    Chicken flew into a window

    So my dad was trying to get our rooster back into the coop and our rooster flew over the fence so I came out to help. We tried to get him then he flew across the street and tried to land in a neighbors window sill, instead hitting the window in the process. We finally caught him after awhile. We...
  13. Birdybathtime

    Hatching eggs need some help

    So I’ve brought my two eggs inside due to it icing outside, my hen won’t sit in them so I have them in a box covered by a towel and on a heat pad at 90F. Is there anything else I need to do to ensure that they can hatch? Or anything I need to change? Also the eggs aren’t getting a lot of heat...
  14. Birdybathtime

    What breed is my rooster?

    Looks like there is a bantam australorp and from what I’m seeing it looks like a good possibility that he might be one!
  15. Birdybathtime

    Show off your roosters

    Crap the picture didn’t load sorry fixing that lol
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