Recent content by Birdo19

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    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Funny enough, we actually built them their own coop to roost and eat in. They however decided not to roost inside of it and that’s unfortunately what led to their demise. They were kept inside of it for several weeks to establish where “home” was. Unfortunately that did not work for us. Any...
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    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Yes, it’s sad all his friends are gone. I loved them. We considered getting more but I hate to do it if the predators will just continuously pick them off ☹
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    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    They were raised together, yes
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    Male Guinea Fowl attacking chicken hen

    Hello, I have a male Guinea fowl that is housed with my flock of 15 hens. They have been living together in harmony since October but all of a sudden the Guinea is attacking one of my girls. Unfortunately I was unable to see how it all started but I noticed the Guinea pecking and jumping on top...
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    New Member Intro - Hello everyone!

    Hello, My partner and I have a homestead in Indiana. I’ll start with answering the new member questions! Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? We are not new to chickens, we have had a flock for over 3 years now. We also have Guinea fowl. How many chickens do you have...
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