Recent content by BirdManInMo

  1. BirdManInMo

    Fox can’t get into coop, but keeps returning

    Find a good spot that is not easily detected by the fox. If you have a home window that has a clear line of sight, that is my favorite spot. Have your shooting solution set up well before the fox comes in. If it sees any movement you will lose you shooting solution. Hang your deer rifle out...
  2. BirdManInMo

    My roosters injured a hawk what do I do?

    Just leave it be. That is their treat ! The chickens will clean it down to the bone. Wasn't the Hawk trying to eat them ?
  3. BirdManInMo

    All Hens killed by Dog

    Don't you have a shotgun? I live out in the country and here in Mo. if something is killing/harassing your live stock, including fowl you have every right to put an end to it permanently. That is the rule I go by.
  4. BirdManInMo

    Predator killed all my chickens, please help!!

    I allow my chickens to free range all the time. Their best friends are my Great Pyrenees dogs and would highly recommend the breed for protecting and watching your flock. Sleeps with them, follows them around and is their best friend. Another thing would be good fencing with a additional...
  5. BirdManInMo

    A Bear…

    I don't know what state you are in but in Missouri, the law allows lethal force to protect your live stock, yes that includes chickens. Never had to deal with a black bear but have killed coyote, coon, unknown dog, possum, etc that were eating my chickens. I'm sure protected species like an...
  6. BirdManInMo

    Comment by 'BirdManInMo' in article 'How To Teach Your Puppy To Be Trustworthy Around Your Poultry'

    The type of dog that you choose will dictate a large part of how much effort that you must go through in order to get a good result. One of the easiest dog types to train, in my experience is a Great Pyrenees. They are bred to protect and herd. That applies to protect fowl as well. It comes...
  7. BirdManInMo

    Thoughts on Roosters??

    I raise my own chickens, mostly rhode island reds and red sex links. I spend time with them and they know me. I can pick up my roosters and pet them like any of the girls and they are protective.
  8. BirdManInMo

    Grey Turkey showed up at our house!

    Just my experience. I have never had my Tom turkeys bother my chicken hens. They are social and want to hang out with them, graze with them, flock with them, but I have never had them try to breed them. All my turkey hens ran off so I haven't had any turkey hens for awhile. I have new heritage...
  9. BirdManInMo

    Turkeys with Guinea Fowl

    I do...never had a far. When the poults are young it is beneficial as the chicks teach them to eat and drink.
  10. BirdManInMo

    Tail feathers

    They will grow back...don't stress out over it. My toms have fought so much this spring that they all look half bald. I think I need to eat a few tom turkeys but since they are pets, I just go to the grocery store.
  11. BirdManInMo

    My Mama Turkey and Her Ducklings

  12. BirdManInMo

    Post pics of your turkeys.

    One of my Toms in the baby pen.
  13. BirdManInMo

    Turkey chick wing clipping

    Put a roof on your enclosure ?? Some cheap chicken wire will do.
  14. BirdManInMo

    Tom vs poults

    I let my toms in with my poults and have never had a problem yet ? They seem to look after them and are very curious. There are no hens in my poult enclosure. I would not do this until the poults have some size to them. Mine are big enough now that I let them out in the yard to range when I am...
  15. BirdManInMo

    Turkeys with Guinea Fowl

    My turkeys and guineas get along great together. Never had a problem.
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