Recent content by birdlover2

  1. birdlover2


    AH, I see! I didn't know that they could be highly toxic to insects and only low-level toxic to birds. Good to know! All I know is DE has worked effectively against fleas on our cats (though we stopped using it because it irritated the lungs of our male cat). It was also used to dust chickens...
  2. birdlover2

    Bobtail x MF Cochin Bantams

    I mean, if these are the only two to keep the line going I would personally go for it, not wanting the line to die out completely. But I'm no breeder and have no idea about bobtail. I'm just sentimental LOL
  3. birdlover2

    My pekin duck whispers?

    He sounds like a duck at the duck pond, beautiful male with black feathers and an elaborate comb. Said male I assume to be having respiratory issues, but I'm not a duck person and it could be their regular call.
  4. birdlover2

    Emergency, pecked chick... viewer discretion.

    It's good you separated her from the others, this is a good first step. Hydrogen peroxide can damage soft tissues and skin in chickens and should only be used as last resort if at all. I would wash the wounds with soap and water. Chickens are hardy creatures and if she's eating and drinking...
  5. birdlover2


    Ah, didn't know that. Don't have alot of experience with ants, mostly use it for fleas and mites. How can you use the chemical safely around the chickens though?
  6. birdlover2


    I agree with the others here, the ants are the culprit! Get some diamatacaceous earth or something similar immediately! I would relocate the hen too, just to be safe. Treat wherever you are going to put her at with whatever stuff you get to kill the ants (non-toxic like DE or stuff others have...
  7. birdlover2

    Any guesses please?

    That seems about right. There are multiple Rhode Island Red mixes that are sex links.
  8. birdlover2

    I found a baby bird

    Well if I ever have to do this again I'm raiding the freezer thermometer. It appears to be the only one in the house that we know where it is! I simply have no perception of temperatures. Of course there's no way of knowing, perhaps it died from hearing the guy that pounded on our door this...
  9. birdlover2

    Any guesses please?

    Looks like Golden Comet or some other similar crossbreed to me. So my guess would be a red sex-link
  10. birdlover2

    I found a baby bird

    No, that is the one that died. The other one died earlier or maybe was dead from the beginning.
  11. birdlover2

    I found a baby bird

    Thank you both, my dad told me the same thing, that it isn't my fault. Just my nature to blame myself. I'm going through mourning and it's difficult having got so close to bringing it to the sanctuary.
  12. birdlover2

    I found a baby bird

    Does anyone know what watery poop means? Maybe I could've done something different if I had known
  13. birdlover2

    I found a baby bird

    Well the bird died. I think I overheated it or fed it wrong. :(
  14. birdlover2

    I found a baby bird

    Can the breathing be so slight I can't see it? Or is it for sure dead? The one I've been taking care of all night is still doing well, despite its one watery poop
  15. birdlover2

    I found a baby bird

    Well I've been trying to warm it up but it doesn't look to be breathing :( The other one had a watery poop, which concerns me, but it doesn't appear to be doing worse other than that
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