Recent content by BillHoo

  1. BillHoo

    What kinds of Predators have taken your birds?

    I forgot to include Alligators and large catfish, but if you have experience with those, do share the stories!
  2. BillHoo

    What kinds of Predators have taken your birds?

    Just trying to get a survey of the top or most frequent predator here. Multiple choice if you have been so unlucky.
  3. BillHoo

    What footprints are these

    Bones from takeout fried chicken work great! I tie them to the trap trigger plate. Some raccoons are smart and try to reach for the bones from the side of the trap. The trap springs, but has no critter. So I put the trap into a black plastic trash bag, or some boards on the sides. Leave...
  4. BillHoo

    Our first loss...any advice appreciated

    Don't think that a 6 foot high fence is enough to keep out a fox. They jump pretty high and like to use fencetops and hedges and treetops as their birds eye view as tthey stroll the neighborhood! As you can see in the videos below:
  5. BillHoo

    Has anyone had success with deer cams? *updated with pics!*

    When approaching a trapped skunk, it's best to have a big towel or blanket handy. When you cover the trap, it tends to calm them down a bit. Then just submerge the trap in a big water illed plastic tote, or the nearest creek for about 10 minutes beore opening and dumping the drap contents...
  6. BillHoo

    What would hoard eggs?

    Hmmmm. A broody rat! In the springtime, she walk out of the nest with her gaggle of chicks following behind!
  7. BillHoo

    What would hoard eggs?

    Are they chicken eggs? You may have a clutch of snake or lizard eggs
  8. BillHoo

    getten rid of rats

    Or, if you want to have some fun, this woman had attached one of those Sony low-light handicams to the scope of her high-powered pellet rifle and it works great as a night vision sight! She's also a fantasti shot! Her Youtube videos go under the moniker Cubleycat or Snipercat and...
  9. BillHoo

    Help With Keeping Chickens Safe

    It just amazes me when I read the Predator thread that they all have the same story. "I found a headless hen, but they were secured with CHICKEN WIRE all around. What could have done this?" Weasel, Mink, Raccoon, rat, possum etc. They all can reach in through the chicken wire and pull a...
  10. BillHoo

    Nearly headless chicken?

    Shoot! Shovel and Shhhhhhh! Or maybe just a shotgun loaded with rocksalt to his behind.
  11. BillHoo

    getten rid of rats

    That bucket trap works really well! I've caught dozens per night. I also put just a little squirt of dish soap in the water to help break the surface tension and really wet the rats fur so he gets heavier. In the winter, mix in a cup of salt in the water so it doesn't freeze. (safer than...
  12. BillHoo

    Help With Keeping Chickens Safe

    The expense of hardware cloth and electric fencing is just good insurance. Constantly upgrade and check each week for anything the size of a quarter that some critter can squeeze in through. Better safe than sorry. Also look around for trees. Cut them down! they may not be close enough to...
  13. BillHoo

    Losing chickens left and right

    You need to use hardware cloth everywhere and get an electric fence charger and some wire. Also cover the ground around the coop and run with hardware cloth like this lady did: Foxes and other predators will climb and probe every part around your enclosure looking for a way in
  14. BillHoo

    Manic Mice

    The mouse is dirty, it crawls through filth and disease. It's feet then walk through the food of your chickens and possibly your pantry. It poops and pees in your food without a care. The lives of your chickens and yourself are at risk when exposed to disease. Kill the mouse in summer! Kill the...
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