Recent content by Biddieacres

  1. Biddieacres

    Rest in Peace Nugget

    I am so so sorry to hear this post. I have not been on BYC in a while and was shocked to get on this morning and read that Nugget had past. My funniest memories on BYC are the stories of Nugget. You made us all fall in love with Nugget through your words. I am so sorry and you will be...
  2. Biddieacres

    Rooster is attacking me

    OK Thanks. That is good to hear. I forgot to mention. The only reason I am not getting rid of him is because he treats the ladies GREAT! He is a great protector and gentleman to them. Just not me!
  3. Biddieacres

    Rooster is attacking me

    I went out to fill the feeder so I had the feed scoop in my hands and the keys to lock in the other...trying to unlock the coop. I was up on a step and felt this BAM from behind on my legs! I lost my footing and got bumped off the step. It was so strong that I gripped the lock in attempt to...
  4. Biddieacres


  5. Biddieacres


  6. Biddieacres

    Look what I came home with today! (pics)

    Love the last cute! All of them are cute. I am surprised your feed store had chicks this time of year. Ours doesn't have any, but I guess it is different for different parts of the country. Congratulations!
  7. Biddieacres


  8. Biddieacres


  9. Biddieacres


  10. Biddieacres

    Why did you choose your username?

    Biddie was my grandpa who I loved so dearly. He was a farmer in MO and I thought I would honor him if I ever got a farm of my own.
  11. Biddieacres

    My chickens are looking awfully poofy

    Maybe they are finishing up a molt and new fluffy feathers coming in? Mine look scraggly from the molt right now.
  12. Biddieacres


  13. Biddieacres


  14. Biddieacres

    not wise to antagonize your roosters

    This just happened yesterday to my son...except he was NOT throwing karate kicks...he was throwing grass toward the rooster and hens for them to eat...the rooster took it as a threat and same thing...chased him all around the yard. My 5 year old no longer goes near the rooster.
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