Recent content by Berd Man

  1. Berd Man

    Adult goose killing baby

    Infanticide is not uncommon in nature. I had wondered this same thing after seeing a domestic Toulouse gander of mine drown his own offspring. He did it his first season and when he repeated on his second I knew that some geese will just do this. I’ve had an handful of other ganders that never...
  2. Berd Man

    What kind of goose?

    I’m going to guess African or Brown Chinese.
  3. Berd Man

    Just Inquiring...Can Geese Survive off Grass?

    I believe they can survive on it, but it depends on climate, rainfall, and what’s in the pasture. In southern Indiana we have grass most of the year. And there’s an abundance of high protein clovers and other nutritious broad leaf plants for them. The various feeds are not horrible or anything...
  4. Berd Man

    Geese per gander?

    They will establish who has the breeding rights and the subordinate males will not mate unless they can “sneak” with one of the females. If the alpha sees mating about to occur he will usually interrupt.
  5. Berd Man

    Dimorphic and Dilute

    So I’ve been playing with these color calculators off and on this season. I like it, but I keep getting hung up because I don’t know the definitions as well as I should yet and the photos on the calculators are not great to compare to real birds…forgive me for asking repeated questions about...
  6. Berd Man

    Breeding Geese for Size

    Now this is getting interesting. I can see it now… mechanized battle geese with laser gatling guns
  7. Berd Man

    Bad luck with hatcheries for geese…

    I’m sure you’ll get good geese from them. They’re pretty well trusted. As for the hatching eggs, I reached out this season and got on a list. Someone backed out so I got their eggs.
  8. Berd Man

    Geese per gander?

    I think the ratio you’ll have is fine. I personally like trios because of the amount of eggs I can incubate. I prefer the ease of letting a pair raise their own outside though. The communal nest that can occur with trios and larger groups of females brings on some challenges of its own. Eggs can...
  9. Berd Man

    Excess Eggs

    Does the water glassing change the texture / taste at all?
  10. Berd Man

    Excess Eggs

    I’ve not stored them very long as my family eats them rather quickly at breakfast time 😋 French toast looks great
  11. Berd Man

    Bad luck with hatcheries for geese…

    I like Meyer hatchery too. I’ve gotten great American Buff and Embden geese from them. I also ordered some from Cackle Hatchery and they were good too. One thing you can try is instead of ordering goslings, buy some hatching eggs instead. I was tired of getting the runaround with hatcheries for...
  12. Berd Man

    Muscovy Duck heterochromia (split blue/ brown eyes)

    Thank you for finding that, I just got through reading. I will definitely reach out, I’m curious to see if they have bred theirs yet and what the result was. Who knows maybe a crazy eyed Muscovy line could be established 😂
  13. Berd Man

    Muscovy Duck heterochromia (split blue/ brown eyes)

    That makes sense to me. Also, that PDF is amazing, thank you.
  14. Berd Man

    Muscovy Duck heterochromia (split blue/ brown eyes)

    The French whites are from Louisville, KY. I have a friend there that has kept a small flock for the last few years. I’m not sure where he got them originally. I would tend to think the same as you, we will see if it’s inheritable. Mom brought them up by the house for some shade today and I...
  15. Berd Man

    Muscovy Duck heterochromia (split blue/ brown eyes)

    Thank you, I didn’t have those links and there is a lot of plumage varieties there. I think my drake would be brown pied if I based it off of what he looks most like in those links. There’s not a lot of information on heterochromia and Muscovy ducks from what I’ve been able to see. The French...
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