Recent content by Benny R

  1. Benny R

    Cracked eggs, but no zip after 30hrs (30 plus eggs)

    Don't know what to say, just sad! You really need to take the time to make a better incubator. Try a Styrofoam cooler box. It sounds like your temps never got high enough, but I'm just guessing.
  2. Benny R

    Dry hatching

    So called Dry hatching is silly. If you live it a humid area it's ok to do. Where I live the RH is 10~15% most of the year, so a dry hatch here would cook my eggs. I would never do a dry hatch, as I feel there is a lot of evidence of 45% RH is good. Why change what works?
  3. Benny R

    Hatching Serama eggs

    Would not worry til day 22. You've got your RH up above 60%?
  4. Benny R

    Best Light for Candelling

    I'm happy with the Brinsea High intensity model 190. I have a lot of lights I could use, but they all heat up the egg in seconds. The Brinsea is very bright without any heat. Not cheap, but worth it.
  5. Benny R

    Total Water Consumption During Incubation

    My last batch used 30 oz.
  6. Benny R

    can i do lock down on day 19?

    I've always done LD on the last three days, and its always worked well.
  7. Benny R

    can i do lock down on day 19?

    just chickens
  8. Benny R

    can i do lock down on day 19?

    I always lock down on day 19, 20 & 21. I set the RH to 70%.
  9. Benny R

    Matticoopx Incubator

    I've got the Ovation Ex. I think the original NR360 is far better than the current version, based on many reviews.
  10. Benny R

    i think ist hatched to early like days to early

    All you can do is hope for the best. My last batch of 6 piped and hatched on day 19. 4 days now and there doing really well, couple even getting feathers already. Good luck!🙂 and don't do this:he
  11. Benny R

    Matticoopx Incubator

    I have a NR360. Fan failed on my second hatch. Had it for just over two months. They offered a free replacement, but I wanted a better quality fan, I found a used Papst NOS German fan off Ebay for less than a new Chinese fan. Works really well, as it has better flow and less noise then stock...
  12. Benny R

    My experience of hatching chicken eggs

    So what was your total hatch?
  13. Benny R

    incubators w/humidity

    If you have a room that stays above 73*f, check out the Rcom pro10+. It's small but will do 10 eggs and is fully automated. push the chicken button, and 21 days you'll have chickens...
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