Recent content by beardiemom

  1. beardiemom

    interesting egg.

    Looks like an egg fart pushed out by a regular sized egg. Five year old Ameraucana.
  2. beardiemom

    Post here the pictures of your ducks in the snow

    magpies at the manger.
  3. beardiemom


    Ours like to catch air coming down their ramp or from a little knoll, but they don't fly. We have never clipped wings and they are content behind a 2 foot fence.
  4. beardiemom

    In ground Duck Pool

    We used the kiddie pools and followed the instructions we found on this website to install a drain. It involves a urinal spud to attach the pipe to the pool. Then we sent the drainage pipe through to a kitty litter container where we house the shutoff valve. flip up the lid of the container to...
  5. beardiemom

    Info on Magpie Ducks?

    We live in central Massachusetts. We started with 8 males and are down to 4. Hawk, owl predators got the other 4. The boys are about 2 1/2 now. Super healthy and they are getting along because it is cold. Last summer though we had them divided inti 3 pods because of all the fighting when their...
  6. beardiemom

    Help Needed in Aftermath of Attack

    We had a drake that lost his scalp to a hawk. It was freaky looking at that skull, but my husband just kept cleaning it and keeping him separate from the others. Three or four nights in a dog crate, then in a protective area. After about a month, the skin has grown over and he is back with his...
  7. beardiemom

    A sad end to my duck journey - food allergies

    Take a look at the silkie chickens. So beautiful and sweet. Not reptilian at all.
  8. beardiemom


    We had a red-tailed hawk in our area after Hurricane Sandy. My husband interrupted the attack and saved the duck. The poor fellow got scalped. My husband separated him, washed his wounds in betadyne, and kept him in a dog crate for a week or so. He kept cleaning the wound for 3 or 4 days, but...
  9. beardiemom

    Ducks Won't Go In Tonight? AGAIN!!!!

    Get yourself out there early enough to do it,or get a head lantern so you can light your path. Like feeding and watering, it is a chore that needs to be done. Put your arms out wide and go slowly. Our ducks now go in the house as soon as they see us come outside in the evening. But it took a...
  10. beardiemom

    Duck Pond/pool pictures

    We followed the instructions we got on this forum and modified a plastic kiddy pool. We cut a hole in the bottom of the pool and attached a urinal spud gasket to it. Then attached a hose and ran it in a small ditch out about 5 feet. Here we attached an on-off valve for draining. The open-close...
  11. beardiemom

    Fox attacked my duck! PLEASE HELP!!!

    Bird Sitter, Miss Lydia is trying very kindly to tell you to stop this thread. You vented, people offered sympathy and advice to keep it from happening again. But you have tried and failed to convince the people on this thread to agree with you that you do not need to change your setup and...
  12. beardiemom

    Fox attacked my duck! PLEASE HELP!!!

    I hate to think how much pain the dog is in with pellets in him. If the owner doesn't care enough about his dog to keep it safe and secure, he isn't going to take it to a vet to remove the pellets either. I understand your frustration and desire to protect your animals, but I don't think pellet...
  13. beardiemom

    scalped duck doing fine

    Last week my husband went outside and interrupted a red-tailed hawk in the middle of attacking one of our drake magpies. The poor fellow got scalped (skull showing) and a few puncture wounds. We cleaned him up and tried some vet wrap on him and put him in a dog crate to keep him quiet and...
  14. beardiemom

    Drake Wars

    We started out with 1 duck house. Then we modified that and further built a duplex. They have 3 secure homes and they have fenced in yards that are about the size of a normal backyard and kiddy pools. We also have a separate wire pen with a cover for a single injured duck. I think we are...
  15. beardiemom

    Drake Wars

    We took on 8 drake ducklings two and a half years ago. We wanted to use them for herding practice for the dogs and thought that it would be better not to worry about eggs - also drakes were easily available since anyone in her right mind would prefer females :) Life was great until the next...
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