Recent content by bear0806

  1. B


    I also worry about them getting in it and splashing the water all over the place. Any trouble with that? This would be in the coop for the winter.
  2. B


    10 chickens
  3. B


    Can you show me a pic? Sounds like a great idea.
  4. B


    Okay, good suggestions that'll I'll look into. I just realized that my "easy fill" heated fount is still bottom filled which is really a pain once I have the cording situation taken care of. I want to get a top filling heated water fount but the only kind I see have these nipple thingys...will...
  5. B


    We purchased a plastic heated watering fount for our 9 chickens. Quick questions: 1) As this will be resting on the ground, how do you cover the electrical cord so as not to be pecked on? 2) I hear about people hanging their water/feed troughs...if you hang them by the handle don't they spill...
  6. B

    Fencing under chicken run

    So, my coop is set, my chickens are happy and protected - since they are still growing up in the coop. Next step is the run. My sister lost most of her chickens to a mink that dug under her perimeter fencing. We have plenty of foxes and some coyotes here in upstate NY. Does anyone ever literally...
  7. B

    Review by 'bear0806' in article 'Setting Up a Heat Lamp for Chicks: A Step-by-Step Guide'

    Helpful but one sentence says they no longer need the lamp at 3-4 weeks and the next sentence says 6-8 weeks?
  8. B

    Isn't 100 sq feet tight for run with all the "extras'

    I would love to see a pic of your moveable run, if you are able. I'm a visual learner. :) I would like to see what you did that is so easily moveable. It is a great idea but it never crossed my mind that it didn't need to be attached to the coop at all times. How helpful this site is.
  9. B

    Isn't 100 sq feet tight for run with all the "extras'

    You made me laugh. I'm overthinking all of it and need to remember they are chickens after all. Thanks for the reality check. Liked the idea of a little playground.
  10. B

    Heating coop for youngins

    Okay, thank you. I've been using a heat lamp with my brooder and have it secure, would never trust just that clamp they come with.
  11. B

    Isn't 100 sq feet tight for run with all the "extras'

    Any pics available..I love to see how others set things up. Thank you.
  12. B

    Isn't 100 sq feet tight for run with all the "extras'

    Yes and Yes...we will let them free range by day when we are home...but we have foxes in the neighborhood and until I'm comfortable we wouldn't free range if we are not there, even by day.
  13. B

    Isn't 100 sq feet tight for run with all the "extras'

    Okay...newbie New Yorker here. I know I need 10 sq feet per bird for my run. But once I add the dust bath, roosts, water...etc. is 100 sq feet still enough? I have 9 birds (Astrolops, Orpington, Faberelle) I have a 34sq foot walk in coop.
  14. B

    Heating coop for youngins

    Well, our night temps drop to upper 30's, low 40's still and highs only in 50-60's for a bit longer. They are currently 3 weeks old and we thought we could put them in the roomier coop then the cow trough they currently reside in. I've seen people with a heat lamp at minimum so they have a place...
  15. B

    Heating coop for youngins

    My chicks are 3 weeks old and I want to move them out of my basement into the chicken coop. It is a walk in 34 sq. feet. (New York state) How does one go about keeping it warm enough for them at night? I can hang the heat lamps but is that sufficient of should the overal temp of the coop be...
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