Recent content by bdjh

  1. bdjh

    coop and run questions

    I'm picturing a prison yard, with the various gangs jockeying for control of certain parts of the yard. Only a matter of time before someone gets shanked, and there's a bird on a spit........
  2. bdjh

    only eats commercial pellets

    I wouldn't worry too much about it.....keep giving them their pellets, and occassionally something else for a treat. They may try it, or not. They certainly don't NEED anything else. I suspect once they start free roaming, that they'll realize there's more to eat than just pellets, and eat...
  3. bdjh

    coop and run questions

    I agree with almost everything 1muttsfan said. The only thing that I don't think is necessary is the hardware cloth around the coop. It's a solid, plywood floor, so it really doesn't matter what, if anything, gets under it, they still can't get into it. You'll definitely want it all the way...
  4. bdjh

    Spring/Summer time Mosquitoes and chickens

    I hear you. It's often said that mosquito is the Manitoba provincial BIRD! I know they are very bothersome for horses and other livestock..... Once our girls are locked in at night, though, I can't say that I've ever seen any bugs in the coop at all. In any case, I've never heard of them being...
  5. bdjh

    Spring/Summer time Mosquitoes and chickens

    I think the mosquitoes are likely bothering you far more than your chickens. Chickens have been around for a long time....and no one has ever had to protect them from mosquitoes.
  6. bdjh

    Chicken Coop close to done.. pic

    Looks like chicken heaven to me! Nice job!
  7. bdjh

    Heating the coop

    Winnipeg here......personally, I think what you're proposing is overkill. They're chickens, not children. I hang 2 radiant ceramic heat emitters (meant for reptile tanks) in my coop to avoid any chance of fire.I've tried interior car warmers, but they just choked on dust. The big, red bulbs...
  8. bdjh

    New coop/condo

    Beautiful! - Nicer than some places I've lived in....with better plumbing!
  9. bdjh

    How big of a run for 10-12 chickens?

    A wife who wants a table saw for Christmas......he's a lucky man. Do you like to fish, too?
  10. bdjh

    Pumpkin Seeds

    Me too.....I've been kicked out of a few places for questioning the status quo..... a subway for pointing out the girl (the manager) didn't wash her hands after handling cash "You touched my bun after handling cash without washing your hands"....."Oh, for xxxxxx sake".....throws away tainted...
  11. bdjh

    Bridge over water to coop!

    I find it odd that they would be nervous about a bridge.....they generally walk up and down ramps all the time, and perch on bars that are far narrower than what I'm assuming this bridge is like.....there's no trolls under the bridge? Perhaps an old man asking questions as a toll? If that's the...
  12. bdjh

    Pumpkin Seeds

    Ron - you've exposed the 'science' behind homeopathy I suffer from x, took y, and got better, therefore x cured me. Sell x as a miracle cure for y, z, a, b, c,d, ......... Even better, I take q regularly, and have never come down with t, therefore q prevents t. Sell q as a miracle...
  13. bdjh

    Bridge over water to coop!

    It could be that the bridge is a little too narrow for their comfort level. Once they cross it once, they'll likely be fine, but if you can't get them to take that first crossing.... 20cm sounds like it shouldn't be a problem if they fall in, but take my word for it.....chickens can swim...
  14. bdjh

    First Time Chicken Owner

    Sounds like you've got great plans. My recommendation is to build nesting bars in front of the windows. My girls all jockey for position in front of the one window we have. They seem to enjoy looking outside. If they're locked up, and see us in the yard, they'll sound the alarm and start...
  15. bdjh

    Coop from old wood fence?

    Nice mitre saw.....wish I had a stand for mine.....I end up with the "scrap of plywood between 2 sawhorses" method.
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