Recent content by bdfive

  1. bdfive

    Breeding peafowl

    Thanks KsKingBee, nice you noticed me, LOL! Sometimes I feel invisible. Still lost on backyardchickens. Mostly hang out on facebook reguarding my birds which I love. Now have Black Shoulder Silver Pied color. Maybe referred to as Black Shoulder Pied White-Eye?? Will try to post a photo of...
  2. bdfive

    Breeding peafowl

    My 2 year old peacocks and hens reproduce. Have no idea if doing right. Haven't be on BackYardChickens in years. Everything has changed.
  3. bdfive

    Nine day old chicks eating paper it okay?

    In the past, yes. They will swallow straw and hay too. Always plenty of feed in open dish.
  4. bdfive

    Nine day old chicks eating paper it okay?

    I can't find any large flake pine shavings anymore. Bundle marked Large Flake but very few ones. Most broke down to shreds and dust. Have tried 3 different brands. My peachicks eat the small flakes and die. Maybe pine shaving being shipped from China now. Ugh!
  5. bdfive

    8 x 16 Pallet chicken run.

    Really great looking. You could go into business!! :thumbsup
  6. bdfive

    Incubation requirements for Swan Eggs

    Hello, 007Sean called me you need advice hatching swan eggs. I had mine in with peafowl eggs, 99.5 to 100 degrees at 60 humidity laying on their sides. Seems I remember it taking about 38 days. I would candle to see when they were in the air sac then raised humidity to 70 and not open...
  7. bdfive

    Comment by 'bdfive' in article 'Cold Weather Advisory: A Detailed Look at the Question of Supplemental Heat'

    Thank you so much for this valuable information. Pray everyone reads it and saves themselves and their chickens/animals a lot of grief. I've practiced much of it but there are some important changes I need to implement. Keeping this article available to share with others as need be. Everyone...
  8. bdfive

    Peacocks ( peachicks available, 6 different colors )

    Baby peacocks and peahens available during breeding season which is now. Have India Blue, Pied, White, Silver Pied, Black Shoulder and Emerald Spalding ( Green species). Adults in pictures not for sale. Prices are $60 to $100 depending on color. Not all available at all times due to they...
  9. bdfive

    Chick died, now survinving one won't stop chirping loudly

    Install a mirror. Tie it up well so doesn't fall on the chick. Good reason to always purchase 3 chicks just incase you loose 1.
  10. bdfive

    Where to buy swans at a reasonable price?

    Maybe this could help.
  11. bdfive

    Lonly black female swan.

    Gunther has moved to his new home on a lake with a female.
  12. bdfive

    Lonly black female swan.

    Buyer suppose to be here between 2 and 5 tomorrow. Pretty sure he'll show but if not I'll let you know. 007Sean can tell us how to private message. Thanks Tony O.
  13. bdfive

    Lonly black female swan.

    Tony O. Don't see a private message option to exchange phone numbers?? He's spoke for pending pick up.
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