Recent content by barnwife

  1. barnwife

    Barnwifes Page

    Barnwife's Page I have posted a couple times about my broody Rooster. I am not yet savvy enough to post to the forum as of yet (still working on it)... SOOOOOO, This is my broody Roo. I named him Fluffy. He spends his days running with my barred plymouth rocks and...
  2. barnwife


    Silvergatefarms- Welcome!! I'm close to you! I haven't been active on BYC for a bit, but I live in Lampasas, a hop, skip and jump from you. There are several hobby breeders in our area, a couple of them dabble on BYC when theyre not building new pens or cleaning up chicken dirt...
  3. barnwife

    Wildlife feeder to feed the chickens

    Here in texas it rains about twice a month, and the rain doesn't wet the ground for even 24 hours no matter how hard it rains due to the intense heat around here. Mold does not grow in heat very well, either, no matter how wet it is. Most mold dies out somewhere around 90 degrees...we've been...
  4. barnwife

    Please help! Wing ripped off by raccoon!

    Fantastic!! this follows almost exactly the way our cubalaya pulled through. If you're not careful, you'll have a lap-hyappy house chicken on your hands! It took us an entire week of daily outdoor time AND being put outdoors in a former broody pen with little human contact to convince her...
  5. barnwife

    Wildlife feeder to feed the chickens

    Codybird- Myrtle beach...not exactly an unpopulated area, but nice! I vacationed there once, very beautiful! You are right about production. From my hens I get either three eggs out of four days or two eggs out of three days. I have several types of chickens, so I can tell who/what...
  6. barnwife

    Please help! Wing ripped off by raccoon!

    I had my chicken's wing chewed off by a dog...not ripped, but chewed. Similar, but not the same, so some steps might need changed. I cleaned the wound. Every blood feather (where there is a shaft but no feather, so it allows blood to seep out cvontinuously) needed plucked to reduce blood...
  7. barnwife

    Wildlife feeder to feed the chickens

    hmmmm...I am noticing a living folks think it is a foolhardy living types ALL want to know if you've found the next best thing to sliced bread.... I wonder who else will weigh in and see how this thread goes? BTW, POP, welcome to BYC!
  8. barnwife

    abandonned gosling...

    For a goose...they like to eat seaweed and the other green junk on the bottom of a pond/creek etc. They also eat loads of grass. They are great lawn trimmers!! If your area has no waterfowl specific feed, then a 16%-25% chick starter will work. If the goose is closer to knee height, 15%-16%...
  9. barnwife

    African geese

    I have one thing to tell you right off. African geese are the ones people get to protect their property. if you want them to be friendly, then you MUST spend every last minute you can spare in direct contact with them as babies and juveniles. If you have any way to be with them while they...
  10. barnwife

    Feed for goslings.

    With my goslings, I had them on 20% chick starter for the first couple of weeks. I had heard about folks having nutrition troubles and having to give them special I did some research and the regular feed for chicks does not have the necessary levels of selenium, vit b, and vit e in...
  11. barnwife

    It's gonna be a hot one here in MN

    How funny!! One of the contraptions the hot-weather savvy use here is a mister setup.... LARGE outdoor fan...water hose or drip pvc setrup to drip water into the fan setup to create a floating "mist" works very very well here...but with the humidity you are talking about...IDK...
  12. barnwife


    lol..not every DAY Every week ...@ 8 lbs of onions and two bulbs of garlic. Everything is cooked.. family of one kid, hubby and I. When you break it down, its actually 2-3 cloves of garlic per day, and one or two onions each day, for an entire family, three meals and a couple snacks...
  13. barnwife

    It's gonna be a hot one here in MN

    Thanks, BHR! Desperate need of rain, yes. From September till March it rained twice! The ground is so very dry that when it does rain, the ground acts like it doesnt soak in, it runs away and flash floods... completely useless. Thankfully, we have a live creek on our...
  14. barnwife

    Wildlife feeder to feed the chickens

    I like how you work, tex! KLet us know how it goes! Then maybe I won't have to pay my neighbor to come feed my birds when I go to my family I have to tell you, automatic waterers work very very very well, too, and drip waterers. My chickens will go to a leaky hose long...
  15. barnwife


    My family eats only my cooking, cuz we're cheap hillbillies who live too far from civilization to hit a mickye'd's more than once a month... and I use about 8 lbs of onions and at least two bulbs (not cloves, bulbs) of garlic while cooking...the results...near to zero mosquito bites!! When I...
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