Recent content by balletchickenmom

  1. balletchickenmom

    Favorite Layer Organic Pellet Recs?

    Hi Everyone! I was hoping you could shed some light on which organic layer pellet food ya'll use and what ones you've liked/disliked for your flock!
  2. balletchickenmom

    Very Strange Egg-First Egg (I think) of 2-3ish year Old Copper Maran + Other Egg Color Questions!

    I figured variances would occur but I see a lot of comments on here of due to genetics color will always be the same—so I was feeling slightly confused, it makes sense! We did a round of Corrid as a precautionary measure because we had just purchased 3 pullets from a backyard breeder and their...
  3. balletchickenmom

    Very Strange Egg-First Egg (I think) of 2-3ish year Old Copper Maran + Other Egg Color Questions!

    Hi! Many questions here about egg color So I am relatively new to chickens; we started our flock last June-ish. We ended up purchasing 4 older chickens to start, 3 barnvelders and 1 copper maran—Harriet Sr. (We now have 9 chickens, 4 older hens and then 5 pullets. The older hens all started...
  4. balletchickenmom

    Help! Please! Mareks? Vent Gleet? Impacted Crop? 6 month old Chicken

    If I'm putting my hand in the correct place—lower on the right hand side, it felt like squishy/doughy? But where she's puffed up like right where her neck is puffed up it's hard—as if it's her neck bone?
  5. balletchickenmom

    Help! Please! Mareks? Vent Gleet? Impacted Crop? 6 month old Chicken

    So this chicken has been quarantined now for a couple of days and is progressively getting worse. She is lethargic, wobly, her wings are drooping and I have had to bathe her bottom (It's yellow-orange-ish) has insane discharge attaching to her feathers. I broguht her inside 3 days ago because of...
  6. balletchickenmom

    HELP Puffy, somewhat lethargic, 6-month old Cream Leg Bar with Pasty Butt—Have tried many things, but not much improvement—Help!

    I'll go ahead and do the safeguard-I'm going to give her another epsom salt bath just so I can clean her bottom. Are safeguard and probiotics like yogurt safe to use? Her crop (or I think it is? Seems enlarged and it is firm. That's why it almost seems like esophagus-y. Unless her crop is...
  7. balletchickenmom

    Hello from Nashville! Posted in the emergencies-chicken illness thread if you can take a look.

    New to BYC, new-ish chicken owner, constantly using this place for help!
  8. balletchickenmom

    HELP Puffy, somewhat lethargic, 6-month old Cream Leg Bar with Pasty Butt—Have tried many things, but not much improvement—Help!

    Hi, this 6 month old chicken has been exhibiting these symptoms for the past week-week and a half. She's been puffed up, lethargic and I have noticed a pasty butt on her vent area. I have separated her and she is now inside so I can monitor her progress a little more/see if she was just cold...
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