Recent content by backyardchicks

  1. backyardchicks

    hello I am new to the community,we have some chicks.We are planning for december☃☃❄❄🍗🍚

    Hello and welcome! This is a great place to learn new things about chicken keeping. I have been raising chickens for 27+ years and even I learn new things from interacting with others on here! How many chickens did you start out with?
  2. backyardchicks

    No rooster but broody hen.

    I always found that a few days in chicken jail is enough to snap them out of it.
  3. backyardchicks

    No rooster but broody hen.

    That's a great idea for a broody setup!!
  4. backyardchicks

    No rooster but broody hen.

    That's a great idea for a broody setup!
  5. backyardchicks

    Silkie saga

    She's a pretty Easter Egger. You sure lucked out with getting her. She lays a beautiful blue egg!!
  6. backyardchicks

    What's the temperature where you are???

    It is finally cooling down here in Northern California. It was in the mid 80's today. My chickens like it better too!
  7. backyardchicks

    Silkie saga

    That blue egg is soooo pretty!!! Who laid that one?
  8. backyardchicks

    Shrinkwrapped chick?

    I see that you aren't incubating the eggs. Chances are that it is not a humidity issue. I would let nature take its course.
  9. backyardchicks

    Shrinkwrapped chick?

    It's a hard call. If you do, just be prepared to care for a possibly handicapped chicken. A chicken may not hatch for a variety of reasons- it could be that it has some sort of infection that has caused it to be too weak to hatch. In this case you shouldn't help it hatch. If it is shrink...
  10. backyardchicks

    Silkie saga

    LOL....and sometimes fertile Silkie eggs can suddenly appear in incubators too. I think that this may happen in my home within the next few weeks. :lau
  11. backyardchicks

    Counting your chickens

    Oh, I and I find that the easiest way for me to count my chickens is to wait until they are perching in their coop at night. :thumbsup
  12. backyardchicks

    Counting your chickens

    I have 7 hens and 7 pullets that are getting ready to begin laying any day now. I plan on adding some Silkies to the mix before winter time. I think my mother-in-law that I am caring for will enjoy watching the incubation process.
  13. backyardchicks

    Chicken killed in coop last night

    My guess would be raccoon. They can stick their little hands through the chicken wire that you have up above and grab a chickens head. They many times just eat the head and crop. Yes, they will be back for more. Also, make sure there isn't any chicken feed or water left out to tempt them...
  14. backyardchicks

    Hello All!

    Welcome! This is a great place to ask questions and learn new things. Your grandson is a lucky boy to be able to raise chickens with you. It is a very rewarding hobby!
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