Recent content by Backyard_Chicken_rancher

  1. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Backyard Chicken Ranchers Page

    Well Hello there, I see you clicked that lil link under my picture when I made a comment which means you didn’t come here to see an empty page now did ya? Well I guess we be a needin to get down to it, well allow me to start by showing you a picture of me and the wife She is the one in the...
  2. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Mean Chicken all of a sudden..Is she a he? New Pic of her/him...

    When mine started to do the back of the neck biting and chasing the other hens around I thought that "Jill" was just mean well turned out "Jill" was "Jack" so you may have a rooster on your hands but my rule of thumb is crow or lay we will know for sure...
  3. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Any gender guesses (several pics)

    Quote: I have all the same breeds I raised from Dayold chicks rest asured none of them are Roos but with that being said the one that makes the most noice will be the fiestest. our Light bramas (we have 1 roo and 3 hens) All have big thick legs but the roo got fat fast and now is way bigger...
  4. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    How to keep the eggs from freezing?

    Heat lamps over the nesting boxes? Close off the nesting area with tarps and keep a low wat bulb in that area? An elec heater turn to low setting hung from the roof? These are just Ideas Good luck yall
  5. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Chicken door... pop door size ?

    Mine was to small so I had to make it bigger so I guess it depends on the breeds your going to have as for opening and shut I would go with the slider on auto with a timer so it will be open well before it's time and close after dark.. Good luck to you
  6. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Chicken herding

    I used a Leaf rake now all I have to do is pick it and they run for the coop..........And they say they don't remember anything.
  7. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Quote: WELCOME!!!!! I have never had the pleasure of a Wellie that has gone broody, but some folks that hatched out some eggs from me had 4 of their Wellie girls go broody this summer. They actually called and asked me if I wanted them because they were not happy that they went broody(they...
  8. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Quote: Thank you Happy Chooks, mine isn't a year old yet either I got her in may of this year (2010) so it will happen for you when they are ready (I think note they said they were NON-Setters). Good Luck to you
  9. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    My poor Rooster

    I can't help you treat it but I do know this much you need to get that one away as far away as you can from the others and hope it is the only that has it.. Good luck to you *BUMP*
  10. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    The Welsummer Thread!!!!

    Since we are talking welsummers has anyone ever had one go broody and become a mom? if so was she a good mom? I ask because they were listed as a NON-setter and this is her first setting I have 8 eggs under her right now so far so good...
  11. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    nest boxes on the floor?

    Mine are about 4 inches off the floor and they like it that way I tried to get them higher and they wouldn't lay in them ones. The only time I ever get coop floor eggs is when all the nest boxes have hens in them already... So I don't think it matters to them as long as they can get into it...
  12. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    "Austalorps hen or roo, please help!!

    Quote: I have Mates of the same breed in the top pic the one on the right is your only roo the one on the left is a hen you can tell because the males legs on this breed is fat but not much fatter then the hens but in pic one you can clearly see the diff. Good luck Oh BTW they are gental...
  13. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    What would steal an egg AND a golf ball?

    Quote: Mine do the same every time and it is always the same nest box no matter how many times I put it back I got out the next day and itsa gone agin rolled clear acroos the coop or buryed in the shavings it is weird but check your shavings I bet you find both of them in there. Good luck to you
  14. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Roo hates MIL

    Quote: Well first of all he is a male and she is a MIL so there for He don't like her Lmaooooo Just kidding.......... Mine was stalking me and my wife she fixed him by a swift kick but for me he only did it when I had my Non-Chicken (Work) Clothes on that he is used to seeing me in but one...
  15. Backyard_Chicken_rancher

    Ever hear of a Rhode Island Rock?

    Quote: If you look at the feathers just in front of their tail feathers you will see feathers that are pointy and hang down from the center of their backs that IS A ROO that is one way to be able to tell and being all 3 of these have saddle feathers yep you got all roos still. What you wanna...
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