Recent content by AUZLDY


    What Breed is this chicken?

    I'm coming to the experts, the friendliest chicken folks around... Can you tell me what bred you think this 8 week old chicken is? I hatched 13 eggs with little luck. Half were cream leg bar and none of those hatched. 6 were Araucanas and one hatched and is great... the black one in the...

    "Are you my mother?"

    Farrier... thanks for taking the time to pass on those notes. I looked at the hens and roos from the seller and they had no tails and did have breads and blue/green eggs. Only one of those eggs hatched. My guess also is the Cream Brabanter. Guess I better read up on those. It is...

    "Are you my mother?"

    I don't know what LF means, however, it was not a bantam. I bought them a woman who has 8 breeds in separated coops. I was told it was a Houdan and was given it as a gift when I bought a dozen Cream leg bar and Araucana. As you can see this little guy doesn't have the extra toe. She has...

    "Are you my mother?"

    Can anyone help me with my chick's breed? PELASE

    Twin day...SO NERVOUS!

    Waiting on the last chapter of the "twin chicken" book! Hope we get a good update! I have recovered from my drama last night and appreciate the help of everyone. Still sad, but the circle of life, eh?

    "Are you my mother?"

    Remember The Best Nest, reading it to your children? Well, I have a 2 days old chick that hatched with a dozen Araucanas I bought. I was told it was a Houdan, from a large white egg. But it doesn't have a 4th toe! So, I am helping this little chick find its mother! Can you help? peep peep...

    Help me figure out what I got.

    OK, dear chicken friends.... I was given an egg when I bought a dozen Araucana and Cream Legbar 3+ weeks ago. Breeders husband gave it to me as a gift, saying it was a Houdan. But this guy does NOT have an extra toe!!! I have spent the entire day looking a pictures of babies, trying to match...

    Grieving my "quitters"... I'm sad

    Tella... G'day! My mum was born and raised in Brisbane... On MacIllrathe near Cooparooh School. That is the source of my screen name. Thanks for your encouragement! Cheers!

    Comment by 'AUZLDY' in item 'Hatcheries, Day Old Chicks'

    What breeds? They are cute!
  10. AUZLDY

    Grieving my "quitters"... I'm sad

    Amy Lynn... eggtopsies were upsetting and I didn't get too involved. But I would guess they were 18 days old. This is when I removed the rotating tray and candled the last time. Maybe the candler was too hot. Maybe the humidity dropped too much. But 2 survived & are thriving, so I don't...
  11. AUZLDY

    Grieving my "quitters"... I'm sad

    Amy Lynn and Kuchchicks... Thank you for kindly replying. I love my two and will enjoying raising them to join our flock. I learned a lot, worried a lot, and need to ease up. Mother Nature manages these miracle so well. My involvement was by option, I chose to place them in the bator...
  12. AUZLDY

    Grieving my "quitters"... I'm sad

    After 25 days we decided the remaining eggs were not going to hatch. Two hatched on day 21. I feel absolutely horrible to find 3 quitters, small bodies. How will I try again? What did I do wrong? I sought advice on how long to leave these eggs and the consensus was these would not make it...
  13. AUZLDY

    *CHICKS are HERE!!!* Egg Candling Pics: Progression Though Incubation

    This is very informative and will be a helpful reference for along time. I'm just finishing my first hatch. 2 winners, 5 yolkers that were removed, 5 still in the incubator just incase they are really late bloomers!... um, hatchers! Anyone hatch Cream Legbar and know if they tend to be late...
  14. AUZLDY

    Constipation help... for 2 day chick!

    OK... great advice! I will do that!
  15. AUZLDY

    Constipation help... for 2 day chick!

    My 2+ day old Araucana chick is struggling. I used a warm, wet paper tissue to soften the hardened feces. Then one poop. Now chick is straining... poor little chick. Has anyone experienced this with any breed? What can I / should I do?
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