Recent content by AutumnSol

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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    That is a really good idea. I have a broody Australorp who would love to sit on the goose eggs. We shall see next year.
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    We moved Her and there were only 3 eggs. 2 looked like they started growing then stopped and 1 was broken with a gosling. It never fully hatched.😞 Next season we will use an incubator. She started with 11eggs.On Friday there were 6 and today 3. We cleaned the coop and found nothing.Im guess she...
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    Thank you. We will be removing the eggs today. I feel sad since I believe 2 were in the process of hatching and something must have happened that stopped them.
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    How long will my goose sit on eggs if they don’t hatch?

    REALLY! They have all been together for 4 years now. I have Chinese Brown Geese and the male has never tried to breed with the chickens. I hear Ducks will though. They usually free range together without incident except for the one last year. We may just make their current enclosure larger.
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    How long will my goose sit on eggs if they don’t hatch?

    She has come out to eat and drink. I even saw her in the pond for a few min. Yes, I could remove Her and close the coop so she can't go back in and remove the eggs. I just don't want to get bit LOL We put a fence around their coop and pond because I am positive they would have killed any...
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    Splitting up males/females -- Goslings arriving soon!

    My Geese do not protect my chickens at all. They only alert to danger and only seek safety for themselves. The chickens know to hide when the geese hide.
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    How long will my goose sit on eggs if they don’t hatch?

    I also want to know! My Goose has been on her eggs for 39 days. She is quite aggressive right now so it was very difficult to move her to check the eggs. I saw that 2 were cracked and I could see feathers but I have yet to see any goslings. I wonder if she will ever just leave the nest.
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    No Goslings. I saw a couple of eggs that were cracked and I could see feathers, but no babies. It has been about 39 days now. She and the male are very aggressive. I am not sure if I should remove the eggs because the Goslings have died or keep waiting until she leaves the nest on her own.
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    She is in a nesting box so I don’t know where she moved them to lol
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    2 of the eggs are cracked and I can see feathers. I hope they are alive. We only see 6 eggs but there were 11. They may be buried
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    Are there any tips to tell if they are close to hatching?
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    I don't believe any have hatched. She has left the nest for a few min to get water once a couple of days ago. I checked the nest and saw no movement. I didn't have time to really check because she cam back to quickly. She is in one of our chicken coops with a fence around it and their pond so...
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    Chinese Brown Goose on nest and no goslings 35 days-suggestions?

    I have a Mated pair of Chinese brown gees. I have seen them breed many times. She laid 11 eggs and has been on them for about 35 days as of today. We can't check the eggs because she will bite us. When do we remove Her if none hatch? Our plan was to pick her up today and candle the eggs. Our...
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