Recent content by Autumn D

  1. Autumn D

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 4/6/15 - picture by Jobele

    JIMMY NO!!! I know that green grass may look tempting but it's NOT the kind you eat!
  2. Autumn D

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 4/6/15 - picture by Jobele

    WAIT!!! Don't eat us!!! We swear were not that kind of peep!
  3. Autumn D

    cutest chicken names!

    gemnames are always nice, such as: opal amber-(my sisters rabbit's name) turquoise sapphire-(one of my bantam's name) topaz-(one of my hen's name) diamond gold/goldy silver ruby emerald crystal amethyst ...ect. you pretty much cannot go wrong with gemstone names :)
  4. Autumn D

    cutest chicken names!

    Anna and Elsa if you have a pair :)
  5. Autumn D

    half naked hen

    It looks like she might have been broody before you got her and she is now growing back her feathers
  6. Autumn D

    Comment by 'Autumn D' in article 'My Flock of Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded d'Uccles' here is an exampe of Millefluer art
  7. Autumn D

    Comment by 'Autumn D' in article 'My Flock of Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded d'Uccles'
  8. Autumn D

    Comment by 'Autumn D' in article 'My Flock of Mille Fleur Belgian Bearded d'Uccles'

    awww... you have such cute birdies. I also have two millefleur D'uccles (did you know d'uccle is actually pronounced: "dew-clay"?), their names are Maisy and Daisy. Daisy is more buff with smaller spots while Maisy is more white with bigger spots. Isn't it strange how there coloration varies so...
  9. Autumn D

    Comment by 'Autumn D' in article 'A Journal of: Raising Baby Chicks Naturally!'

    It is nice how you are so dedicated to the well being of your chicks. you are sure to give them a good long life! :)
  10. Autumn D

    What's wrong with this little guy??

    i believe that your chick has splayed leg, a condition that might be resolved by creating a leg cast so that the leg is in the proper position. Slayed leg has a high mortality rate and the sooner it is treated the better. splayed leg can occur by over crowding, or if a chick is really weak...
  11. Autumn D

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 3/23/15 - picture by Tin-Tin

    are you sure I should wear this suit?
  12. Autumn D

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 3/23/15 - picture by Tin-Tin

    "It's what makes you beautiful"
  13. Autumn D

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 2/9/15 - picture by lunchladylova

    Daddy!!! Daddy!!! ARE WE THERE YET??? ARE WE THERE YET???
  14. Autumn D

    Help: Red Chested Barred

    if it wasn't in the winter i would think she might be going broody...
  15. Autumn D

    Ended Official BYC Caption Contest 1/12/15 - picture by Frances Salazar

    "Your stare was holding Ripped jeans Skin was showing Hot night Wind was blowing Where you think you're going baby?"
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