Recent content by AusHen

  1. AusHen

    Araucana with feathered legs?

    Crossing Araucana with Marans for "olive eggers" is common, so that's a possibility
  2. AusHen

    Black copper Maran?

    It appears to have a pea comb, so I would say it's Marans cross "Ameraucana". I put that in brackets since they may not have a true Ameraucana, which would explain the lack of beard
  3. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    7 are inside under a brooder plate, 3 inside under a broody. With wing length it is hit or miss but I can sex the wheaten based off colour, then I use their siblings so compare. So I'm positive 4 are pullets and 2 are cockerels. The pair I posted show the difference in wheaten genders
  4. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I'm not 100% on all of them, but now they are feathering I can seperate the lighter wheaten pullets from the darker cockerels, the pullets are also feathering in twice as fast so I can group the others with what I think they are. These I have down as a pair, cockerel and pullet
  5. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Super happy with this hatch. 6 girls 4 boys (forgot to add the fourth boy in the pic) The girls The boys
  6. AusHen

    Help, She's Crowing & won't lay eggs anymore!!!

    When a hens ovary is damage or they suffer some form of hormone imbalance they dont turn into roosters, they remain hens. the lack of estrogen produced from a faulty/damaged reproductive system and imcrease of testosterone can cause them to crow, and in some cases grow larger combs, wattles and...
  7. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    All 7 incubator chicks hatched. Lots of wheaten based thanks to the speckled sussex used to introduce the mottling gene (Australian SS tend to be eWh).
  8. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I have 4 chicks out of 7 in the incubator. The chick that pipped wrong end and hit a vessel hatched (pictured resting) as did another sibling that pipped wrong end. My fault as this usually happens when I dont turn often enough. Two more have pipped on the correct end
  9. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    My girl Bella now has three chicks, one remaining egg I candled but didnt see movement. My incubator eggs have also started pipping although one is on the wrong end and I see blood.
  10. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Hatch day snuck up on me. I gave the chickens treats before bed and checked on my broody Bella and heard a chick chirping in a egg, now almost 5am here and she has a chick with another pipping. Nithing in the incubator but they are a day behind.
  11. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    Loving all these chick picks. Today is day 12-13 for me. Out of the 8 eggs in the incubator 7 are going strong and all 4 under Bella and also growing well
  12. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I'm hand turning my incubator eggs so did another candle. 8 out of 8 are developing
  13. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    I had a peek at my eggs, even though it's only been a few days. I could see 3 out of 4 under my broody hen have started, don't know why I candled the incubator already being a day behind but I could see 1 for sure developing and another 5 look promising
  14. AusHen

    April 2024 hatch-a-long

    My eggs arrived! My hen Bella has gone broody yet again and the air cells are amazing, so I'll be popping 4 under her since she's a bantam and the rest will go in the incubator
  15. AusHen

    off spring egg color predictions

    The cinnamon queens offspring will lay a shade of brown, darker than the mothers if the BCM rooster carries good genetics. If the Araucana are pure the offspring will lay a shade of green, shade depending on the roosters genetics. If not pure for the blue gene (two copies) you will also get...
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