Recent content by auce99

  1. auce99

    Tube Feeding Ducks - Updated 5/7/2020

    I considered doing it like that, initially, but he's still so squirmy, even wrapped in a towel! But I can see where that might be easier. I DO want to get comfortable with this. I have 5 ducks - I can't imagine this will be the last time I need to tube feed. I can hope it is, but I'm realistic...
  2. auce99

    Tube Feeding Ducks - Updated 5/7/2020

    The first try was by myself. I straddled him to hold him in place, so my hands were free to feed - I read that somehwere, if you do it by yourself. Which I don't think I will try again by myself. But my husband had already left for work early. I'm guessing that will be game changer.
  3. auce99

    Tube Feeding Ducks - Updated 5/7/2020

    Yes... when I get it in, most of it is down his throat.
  4. auce99

    Tube Feeding Ducks - Updated 5/7/2020

    The vet gave me a 16" tube
  5. auce99

    Tube Feeding Ducks - Updated 5/7/2020

    Coming to the expert's post to ask a question, as a first time tube feeder. My vet showed me how, and made it look easy. My drake even took it pretty well from him. But when I tried, he kept trying to regurgitate the tube, and shake his head, the way they do when something is stuck. (He's not...
  6. auce99

    Indian Runner still has not had full molt

    We don't get those long winter nights down here... I could see the lighting issue. That's actually a very interesting theory. But you may be right - I might just be fighting genetics. I just want to make sure she's healthy and this is not cause for more concern, more than anything.
  7. auce99

    Indian Runner still has not had full molt

    I work from home so get to watch them all day. The one girl he kind of actually harasses is actually doing quite well - she's faster than him. :lol: I don't see him harassing Onyx. He'll chase her down to mate, just like any of the girls, but I've also seen him back down if she stands her ground...
  8. auce99

    Indian Runner still has not had full molt

    She's NOT molting - that's my concern. She still has her original flight feathers and tail feathers. It's hard to tell if she's even molted partially, since those are the main indicator feathers when they DO molt.
  9. auce99

    Indian Runner still has not had full molt

    I was wondering if it might be the protein levels. I've tried giving them the Mazuri before, and they wanted nothing to do with it. I'll try again, and maybe give them more opportunities to try it. Or the other options. And thanks for the calcium supplement idea. Never would've thought of that!
  10. auce99

    Indian Runner still has not had full molt

    Hello, friends! I have an almost 3yr-old Indian Runner (Onyx) that still has not had a full molt, and I'm a little worried. Her flight feathers and tail feathers are very raggedy. Her 'sisters' (the ones I got at the same time/age) have both molted in full, at least once. And my two originals...
  11. auce99

    Stubborn Bunny Bathroom Habits

    You think changing the box is okay? The orange stuff is remnants from one of his chew toys he just got done destroying... he loves destroying those - gets hyper-focused doing so...
  12. auce99

    Stubborn Bunny Bathroom Habits

    Absolutely. The current set up (in pics) is down to a 3x4 area, with the littler box inside a little castle thing. As you can see, he'll go sit in the box (even lay/loaf in it), he'll dig in it, and eat the hay... but not use it for it's purpose. Again, this is the umpteenth iteration since he...
  13. auce99

    Stubborn Bunny Bathroom Habits

    Hello, all! I stumbled into Bunny Mom-hood, when someone abandoned a bunny in a park nearby. After no luck finding the owner, we decided to keep him. That was a little over 6-months ago... fast forward trough lots of online research and getting him to a vet (got him neutered about 2 months ago)...
  14. auce99

    Drake picks on just one female

    I was hoping that would be the case. I just hope it doesn’t get worse as mating season approaches… she’s fast… plus, she seems smart enough to put one or more of the other girls between her and him when she is at the pool or eating/foraging. He’s always been a little ‘extra’ IMO. I still have...
  15. auce99

    Drake picks on just one female

    Hi, all! I'll try to keep this short... after one of my older Runner girls passed last spring, we got three new female ducklings, which we raised separate from the remaining two (a female and a drake) Runners until they were old enough. (All three ducklings were supposed to be Runners, but one...
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