Recent content by athomas718

  1. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown - Day 21

    11/12 eggs hatched!!!
  2. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown - Day 21

    We have a total of 8 hatched out of 12. 3 more are still unzipping through probably through the night and then we will have 11 out 12 hatched. The final egg which would be 3rd Unknown down never pipped so idk about a full dozen hatched. I am not very hopeful for the last egg but we will see what...
  3. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown - Day 21

    First two - which are Pip 1 and Pip 4 in the photo. We now have 3 more hatched: Pip2, Wiggle1 and Pip4. I just watched WiggleA emerge!
  4. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown - Day 21

    Thanks! We have 2 hatched so far. Another 8 have pipped and two more who are wiggling but have not yet pipped. I think - the two that hatched are quite rambunctious so I can’t see if the two that may have not pipped yet have but it is on the botttom.
  5. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown

    Here is the thread in the right forum so please if you see this here - reply over there to keep it in the right forum.
  6. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown - Day 21

    Hey guys, My daughter is hatching her second batch of eggs and we have the incubator in lockdown now. We have 12 eggs, and so far 8 of them have started wiggling. One has pipped externally. We are super excited for our second batch of backyard mutt chicks. So I just wanted to start a...
  7. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown

    Sorry, I just realized that I didn't go to the Hatching Eggs Forum. I don't know how to change my post to that forum instead.
  8. athomas718

    Eggs in Lockdown

    Hey guys, My daughter is hatching her second batch of eggs and we have the incubator in lockdown now. We have 12 eggs, and so far 8 of them have started wiggling. One has pipped externally. We are super excited for our second batch of backyard mutt chicks. So I just wanted to start a...
  9. athomas718

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    We have our second layer. Definitely not who I suspected. I definitely thought our other BR would be laying or one of our Wyandottes.... but nope, no doubt that one of the Easter Eggers is our second to lay. Here's her first pretty egg.
  10. athomas718

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    Well, we've had three solid days of laying so far. WOW! I think that it's all Black Betty. I got some pictures of her nesting in the coop (NOT IN THE NEST BOX!!!) She let me pet her a bit while she sat there. It was sweet. Then we checked the coop tonight and there was an egg in there. So, we...
  11. athomas718

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    There is one dummy egg in one of the nest boxes. I think we are going to move the egg around so they know they are all best boxes lol
  12. athomas718

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    You know what's funny is I've been seeing random explosions of one color feather around the yard. Like a pillow fight as you said.... but I was always worried a chicken got caught by a predator and went missing so I'd do a count, find them all and go "huh." Never thinking the pile of feathers...
  13. athomas718

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    We got our first egg!!!!! WHOOOOOOOOOOO Post wash We think our Barred Rock, Black Betty laid it. She seems to have brighter cherry red comb and wattles than our other BR and she looks more 'squatty'. She likes to squat in the their dirt area and just sit there like she's making a...
  14. athomas718

    First Time Chick Parents, Spring 2016

    That's one of the main reasons I haven't put the collar on him either. I just don't want him to die. I'd feel so awful! None of my chickens are particularly friendly. I try to pet them at night when I tuck them into the coop and they are pretty receptive because they are tired and already...
  15. athomas718

    PRETTY Egg Thread!!!!!!!

    Love this thread !!
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