Recent content by astrelec

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    Swan at duck pond

    *pekins not perkins, autocorrect
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    Swan at duck pond

    I live on a small pond where ppl release their domestic ducks when they grow up. we have had the same few perkins for a few years but recently there have been a few more added. We also have a ton of geese and wild mallards. They all get along alright, the only problem being the geese being...
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    Why do ducks grow so fast

    I got new food and a supplement that goes into their water. they drank it up fast! is this something i should do every time i give them water? i don’t have too many packets but i can get more.
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    What’s wrong with zoom?

    i recently saw a post similar and it turns out their duckling has a stuffy nose. Apparently Duck noses can get stuffed with dust from bedding, fluff, lint, etc. Try a few hours outside (away from bedding) and see if that helps
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    Why do ducks grow so fast

    i’m not home right now, but i know we started them on dumor chick feed (unmediated) until last week. we did buy the wrong food so they ate food for laying ducks for a day or two - only until we could buy new food. Not sure what the brand is. I’ll check when i’m home
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    Why do ducks grow so fast

    they are four weeks old now and i have noticed this. they trip and stumble a good bit when walking. i assumed it’s because they are growing so much. i will definitely look into it. We do not intend to have them as meat ducks, more of pets, so i want to do what is best for them so they are happy...
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    Why do ducks grow so fast

    I read that the first few weeks they need to be on unmediated chick feed, but i recently switched them over to adult duck food. I need to buy more soon, is there a brand i can get that would better correct this issue?
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    Why do ducks grow so fast

    I have had my Pekins and Mallard ducklings for almost 4 weeks - AND THERE HUGE! They grow up so fast. I thought I’d recreate some photos and share. Only one mallard since they hate being handled so much!
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    3 week old mallard ducklings

    My mallards are three weeks old, and one of them has started growing feathers. based off the coloring i assumed that she is female, but after some research it said that you can’t tell until they are older. I was wondering if anyone more experienced could help. My other mallard, who i got at the...
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    hurt duck?

    Update: The pekins continue to loose their down around their wings, and when wet they pick at each other more that normal. I have been told that this is normal.
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    hurt duck?

    so I have had my ducks for almost 2 weeks and one of them has either picked at his skin or has a scab of some sort. My first thought was maybe he was loosing his down and growing feathers but it is only him and just around his wing. Is everything ok? it’s small but i am a little worried.
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    Concerned New Chick Owner

    Hey! I have ducklings, and they are similar in raising. I feed my ducklings unmedicated chick starter and i give them mealworms almost daily. mine are only a week old and I heard it’s good for them to look around for treats. I’m not sure if this applies to chicks, but my ducks are happy.
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    Building a duck coop

    Hey! i’m building a duck coop for when my ducklings are ready for a home outside the brooder. I’m planning on building one, keeping in mind the recommended 3 square feet per mature duck. I have never had ducks before and I was wondering if there is anything I should take into account in these...
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    Chicken Names

    I don’t have any chickens, but recently I got four ducklings. We have a joke in our family where every pet we have gets an “old man name.” We have had five dogs with such names. I continued this with our ducklings. (even though we don’t know the gender)
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    What breed are my ducklings?

    thank you! i’ll keep that in mind next time i get duckings as well!
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