Recent content by Ashdoes

  1. Ashdoes


    Hey everyone! I have not been on in, I don’t know how long...after being in school the last two years I’ve finally gotten a bit of a break and we decided to get chickens again! I have an available Black Copper Maran Rooster from GreenFire farms. We’re in Falcon, if anyone is interested, please...
  2. Ashdoes

    Chicken Breed Focus - Legbar

    Our CL were pretty petite, that contributed to their thriftiness though. And yeah, I called them AirHeads...they aren't stupid, but seem a little in the clouds.
  3. Ashdoes

    Chicken Breed Focus - Legbar

    The imported breeds are super susceptible to disease, in our experience. They were to first to show symptoms of, and die from our Mereks outbreak. So, our Creams died off and then we tried Swedish Flower Hens, and they died even younger. If I did any of these breeds again, they would absolutely...
  4. Ashdoes

    Chicken Breed Focus - Legbar

    We had a nice flock of CL, 6 Hens and 2 Roos, and we hatched hundreds of eggs. The Hens are very sweet, and we never had a decline in egg production, even in winter. They were travelers, foraging all over the property, and only eating when they stopped in the barn to lay an egg. The Roos were...
  5. Ashdoes


    I do like that we're getting more moisture, but this back and forth weather is really mess'n with me. I have cherry trees hanging out in the garage, waitin to be planted. I have raised beds waiting for planting. And my Apple trees do not know what to do. Crazy Colorado weather. Our chicks are 4...
  6. Ashdoes

    My new chick is sick and i dont even know what breed it is

    Sometimes you'll get a chick that just hatched, and they are always a day or so behind the others. I just had one, in our group of 17, she was tinier than the rest and would not eat or drink on her own. I basically had to dip her beak a bunch, every hour or took a whole day for her to...
  7. Ashdoes

    Taking Care of Chicks

    We don't use the red light heater anymore, got one of those heater plates for the babies to go under, I just worried too much about burning down the house, garage or the barn. You don't need to clip the wings at all, we've had hundreds of chickens and have never clipped wings or beaks. As long...
  8. Ashdoes


    Lol! Yes, it's the noise that really makes you crazy. I love hearing it while I'm in the house, and they are outside..but that high chick chirp being inside the house, is awful.
  9. Ashdoes


    With our last flock, we donated hard boiled eggs to a church group that takes food to the homeless once a month. We got lucky, and someone that works with my husband was part of the group, and they asked if we'd like to donate. I ended up donating four or five dozen each time.
  10. Ashdoes


    So, our 17 chicks are out of the house, and into the barn. We do like the effect being in the house for a couple weeks has on them, but I can only take it for so long. Noisy little buggars woke me up almost every day, the second a tiny bit of light was coming in. I honestly think 17 is way too...
  11. Ashdoes

    Chicken Breed Focus - Swedish Flower Hen

    Whoa! Look at that hat! She's beautiful, and I am partial to a good poofy crest.
  12. Ashdoes


    Welcome! You have to post a certain number of times before you can add pics, if I remember correctly. ...just checked your post count, you have plenty, odd that you couldn't put up pics. Shipping tragedy, are you going to have more sent?
  13. Ashdoes

    Chicken Breed Focus - Swedish Flower Hen

    The absolute best part about the SFH, to me, is watching and seeing the color develop over time. I swear, I'd go out everyday and be amazed at the changes the ladies went through. I don't know that you could guess at color this early though, I'm sure it'll be beautiful.
  14. Ashdoes

    Chicken Breed Focus - Swedish Flower Hen

    We had a flock of Flower Hens, and really loved them. They have a goofy, friendly personality, and even the Roo was good around our kids. The Hens gave eggs almost every day, even doing well in the winter. The flock was the best foragers we've ever had, so their feed bill was pretty low. They...
  15. Ashdoes


    Hi guys! Well, I haven't been on in...forever. I hope everyone is doing well, and having great chicken luck. Our Mereks issues haven't kept us from keeping chickens. We have learned though, that our chicks must be vaccinated, especially if we're doing one of the imports, like Swedish flower...
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