Recent content by Ashb0429

  1. Ashb0429


    Hatchery Mixed bantam bin chick - as a chick I thought I had picked up a buff polish chick (see pics below, he is the very back left white/yellow chick in the group shot…) Very early on knew it was a cockerel but was surprised at the absence of buff coloring. He now resembles a Tolbunt Polish...
  2. Ashb0429

    Turkey Behavior

    I recently picked up a turkey poult in my latest impulse chick buy. (Most of you know what I mean - siren’s call of feed store chicks was too strong and you give in… happens at least once a year for most of us. The rest of you are Zen masters if you can resist.) I added 1 poult to my box of...
  3. Ashb0429

    War has been Declared (Graphic Pictures)

    I didn't realize ferrets were wild? I thought they were only domesticated.
  4. Ashb0429

    Dead Hen

    Thank you! We’ve got a local livestock vet. After further research and reading symptoms on gapeworm I have a feeling that’s what this might be :/ I just realized this is the bird I heard grunt a little while back. It struck me as odd at the time but seemed relatively harmless. Now I wish I had...
  5. Ashb0429

    Dead Hen

    Poop - diarrhea
  6. Ashb0429

    Dead Hen

    I found one of my 10 month old laying hens dead in the coop this AM. Late last night my brother was in the coop (trying to eradicate a rodent problem) around 11 pm and said she seemed very lethargic. She passed sometime during the night. I’ve noticed I’ve got a few with dirty butts so obviously...
  7. Ashb0429

    She did it!!

    She is! I just candled them they look to be somewhere between 18-21 days in comparing them to the chart I found. Disclaimer that I am incredibly new to candling eggs! So I’m hopeful.
  8. Ashb0429

    She did it!!

    Chick has four toes, feathered legs, pink skin Dad is definitely my Buff Cochin LF (other roo is a Patridge Silkie) The two possibilities judging by chick and the egg it hatched from is either Buff Brahma bantam x Buff cochin LF Or straight Buff Cochin LF - egg was a little small to be a...
  9. Ashb0429

    She did it!!

    After a few failures (eggs pushed out and cracked, one accidentally stepped on etc...) my Silkie hen hatched out “her” first baby! I’m so proud of her. She is the family favorite and this only endears her even more. Any tips would be appreciated. I’ve moved mama and baby to a brooder as I fear...
  10. Ashb0429

    Hen or cock and what colour is that called?

    I think that’s a hen, I believe that is considered Partridge coloring but I’m not that familiar with Silkie coloration.
  11. Ashb0429

    Must Have List

    I’ve got a few Buff Orps and they’re pretty pleasant girls. Mine aren’t as affectionate as some people report but I’ve got very few complaints about them. I think the only thing they do that annoys me sometimes is they tend to wander quite far when free ranging. They do seem to be the most...
  12. Ashb0429

    Must Have List

    I love it! I am jealous of all the colorful egg pics I see. Might have to consider some colorful egg laying breeds
  13. Ashb0429

    Must Have List

    So I know we are barely in to fall but I know I’m not the only one who is already thinking about their must have chick list for next year! What breeds are on your list and why? Mine So Far Are: Porcelain D’Uccles - We have one and she has been an excellent pet for the kids. Considering having a...
  14. Ashb0429

    Review by 'Ashb0429' on item 'Porcelain d'Uccle Bantam'

    I’ve got one Porcelain D’Uccle girl. She is quirky and odd but it makes her fun to watch. She can typically be found away from the rest of the group, scratching up dirt to get some treats. For her small size she can reach some of the highest spots in the coop. Bottom of the pecking order but...
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