Recent content by armorwolf

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    Suspected mycoplasma - where to get medication?

    Hello y'all - I've got a hen with a swollen face and bubbly eyes. I noticed one bubbly eye yesterday, and hoped it was just eye irritation. Unfortunately, today both are bubbly + her face is swollen. After researching, I'm thinking it's probably mycoplasma. If possible, I'd like to avoid going...
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    Necropsy Question (Reproductive Issues?) **Graphic Pictures**

    Same color through! Didn't take a picture, but it was pretty much that same yellow color and quite hard. I don't unfortunately, but they didn't appear to have any visual abnormalities compared to pictures/videos I've checked out online of necropsies. Interesting, thank you! I did not see any...
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    Necropsy Question (Reproductive Issues?) **Graphic Pictures**

    Hello all, Unfortunately one of my four year old chickens passed last night. After I'd noticed her slowing down a bit and getting some poop stuck to her tail feathers (not diarrhea, but definitely not normal for her) I took her into the vet. We tested for parasites alongside having her undergo...
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    Best way to cull a sick chicken?

    Hi all, Unfortunately today I had to cull one of my hens as she wasn't doing well (I suspected EYP or a tumor due to a mass that had slowly formed and wasn't in a place where I was able to justify spending a ton of money on a single chicken) and used the broomstick method. I did find that I was...
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    Lethargic chicken, not laying, diarrhea but now normal poops

    Hi - thanks for replying! She is about 2 and a half years old. I'm not entirely sure when she last laid normally - it was at least over a week ago because that's when I took her in. Her abdomen does feel a bit bloated and a bit harder than last I felt. Does dosage for chickens change based on...
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    Lethargic chicken, not laying, diarrhea but now normal poops

    Howdy y'all! TLDR: Hen was lethargic last Saturday; had yellowish diarrhea going into brown diarrhea. Treated 3 days with fenbendazole before vet. Diarrhea stopped, fecal test negative for parasites/coccidia. Chicken still lethargic and has not laid. Took her to vet. Vet felt egg in her (had to...
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    Male barred rocks?

    Purchased from a local farm store as barred rocks - I was thinking they're both boys due to the redness of their combs (especially Chick 1) but I wanted to double check before I looked into rehoming them. 5.5 weeks old at time of pictures being taken. Chick 1 on the left, Chick 2 on the...
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    New member from PA - Howdy!

    Thanks for the welcome! :frowI went around and predator proofed with hardware cloth and large rocks months back (right after the predation incident) and just haven't had the time to raise chicks until recently, haha
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    New member from PA - Howdy!

    Hello! Fairly new chicken owner here (1.5 years now, I think?) located in the southeast corner of PA with a small flock of 2 Rhode Island Reds (originally 5 - darn foxes, haha) that came with the farm we moved into. Looking to add 2-3 more girls in but haven't had much luck with finding female...
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