Recent content by AriadneCastro

  1. A

    Chicken with Strange Prolapse, Please Help! (Photo)

    I didn't feel any egg, so, I suppose it's safe for today. I have tried again to put her bits back inside but they just pop back out again. And it's late (21:00h here) she is tired. What happens when she has to lay another egg tomorrow? I guess I can try to do this operation again in the morning...
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    Chicken with Strange Prolapse, Please Help! (Photo)

    Hello, Yes, she is pooping - she made a little in the water. This brown bit is covered in skin, so it looks like what you said. She is alert, so far. Apparently, whatever happened, happened this morning, right after she had a big meal. Her crop is full and I already gave her the half pill of...
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    Chicken with Strange Prolapse, Please Help! (Photo)

    I've read that calcium + vitamin D3 is good for these situations. I have 500mg/400UI pills, but I need to know the right dose for her. She is a small frizzle, maybe two pounds...
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    Chicken with Strange Prolapse, Please Help! (Photo)

    I did gently push the prolapse in, but it pops back out. My partner says that the brown bit is some sort of dead flesh (??) and we have to pull it off, but that doesn't sound like a good idea!!! I really need some experienced eyes on this.... :( About the remedies, unfortunately I have nothing...
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    Chicken with Strange Prolapse, Please Help! (Photo)

    Hello Everyone, One of my chickens appeared like this today. I have cleaned her, put her in warm water to relax, and tried to put the guts back inside, but it's not working :( The strange brown mass attached to the prolapse looks like poo but it's not coming off. Could it be something else? What...
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    I guess he's not eating for two days, at least. I saw him drink and peck a little, yesterday morning,... He's very tame, my poor little guy... But I think it's too late for him, he's dying 😭
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    Please, anyone... I need to know if I should force-feed the guy, so he won't starve to death, or if I should just leave him in peace..... I don't know what to do :( :( :(
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    His crop is completely empty, nothing there... Doesn't feel like lumps or squishiness, just empty. The guy is wasting away by now. :( I've looked down his throat and could see nothing either. Do you think I should force-feed him??? I'm afraid to cause my dying rooster any more...
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    I would say that the most obvious symptom is his struggle with his throat. He has been like this for 3 or 4 days. The rest of the flock is fine. Today I've removed him from the coop and he's obviously in a lot of pain and discomfort. Someone told me it could be worms (?)... In any case, I don't...
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    I managed to upload the video to youtube. Please try to watch it again...
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    He seems to have breathing problems, as if he had the hiccups. He looks awful, very thin, and he twists his neck around in a strange way.
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    Sick Rooster, Please Help! (Video)

    I caught him on video. I can't take him to a vet... Can someone help me, please???
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    Chick with puffed up skin! Help!

    Hello Eggcessive, and thank you very much for the links! I went down yesterday, with the camera, but found the chick pretty normal again. Suppose this isn't always a serious condition... Thankfully! Last year I lost a few to CRD and one showed this symptom. I was afraid that it could be that...
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    Chick with puffed up skin! Help!

    I'll post a picture as soon as I can (maybe tomorrow). And it's definitely the skin, not the crop. I thought of air sack, but what shall I do? Maybe pierce it and apply Povidone-iodine?
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    Chick with puffed up skin! Help!

    One of my month-old chicks has a patch of skin, around the crop area, which is looking like a balloon. I don't know what to think of it... It is behaving normally, so far... but I'm afraid it doesn't look like the others...
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