Recent content by Apyl

  1. Apyl


    Thanks, thats what I was thinking but its been about 5 years since I had my previous flock.
  2. Apyl


    So I had two barred rocks join my flock about about 3-4 weeks ago. I know nothing about them except I am assuming they are barred rocks. I think they wandered from a neighbor. Anyway, I am thinking both are roosters. Can anyone confirm? I'm fine if they are, just trying to figure it out, neither...
  3. Apyl

    Help, cant get heat lamp

    I just ordered a heat lamp and bulbs off Amazon on Friday and received them Monday. You may be able to get one from there.
  4. Apyl

    Official BYC Poll: How Long Have You Been Raising Chickens?

    What got you interested in raising chickens? Originally I started because I have always wanted a hobby farm of sorts. My grandparents had a farm my entire life and I always wanted one but smaller scale. In 2010 my husband and I moved our family out of state to rural Wisconsin. At that time I was...
  5. Apyl

    Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

    Hey everyone, its been years since I've been on here and had chickens. I just placed an order last night. I can't wait to get back at it.
  6. Apyl


    Hey thanks for the welcomes. I found my old account! Man its been a while. I cant wait to start up again.
  7. Apyl

    Comment by 'Apyl' in article 'Duckling Care & Brooder Ideas'

    Perfect ! I can not count how many times I have had to explain ducks needs to new duck owners.
  8. Apyl

    thinking about ducks

    I currently house my ducks, geese, and chickens together. There hasn't been issues, but come spring when we re-build I do plan to house them separate only because I like to free range and I am wanting to pen the chickens next year. I also have not had issues with adding ducks to the chickens as...
  9. Apyl

    Food & Water Craziness

    I keep a kiddie pool filled. They use that to splash in and drink from. As for feed I either toss it out in the yard in the morning or in a old sled we have. My flock free ranges so I only feed them about 4 cups of feed in the morning, they get the rest from foraging. I have 8 ducks, 2 geese...
  10. Apyl

    thinking about ducks

    My only advice is do your research. Sure we can all tell you our experiences and our set ups, but that doesn't mean your experience or set up will work like ours. It doesn't meant either side is wrong , its just what works for one may not for another. Ducks are a great addition, IF you can...
  11. Apyl

    First cold night!

    If your ducks are old enough to lay eggs they are old enough to be outside on negative temps. Your not doing them a favor by bringing them inside, it is only doing you a favor. It gets to -40F here and I do not use a heat lamp in the winter. None of my ducks or chickens have had issues.
  12. Apyl

    Daily duck care

    I have ducks, chickens, and geese all in one coop. The only part of raising ducks that is harder than chickens in brooding. They are very messy. My ducks formed their own little flock and usually stay away from the chickens. The geese along with 4 ducks have their own mini flock as well. The...
  13. Apyl

    Dumor Chick/Duck Start/Grower

    Dumor does not have enough niacin for young ducks. Purina flock raiser is just fine and usually sold right next to Dumor, lately its been on sale at TSC for only $1 more than Dumor.
  14. Apyl

    The African and Chinese goose thread!!

    Its been a while since I posted. My Gus & Greta are now 4 months old. Boy has Gus changed lol he used to be very attached to me and would basically demand to be held . He would come up and nudge me until I picked him up them he would fall asleep in my arms. Now he is all about his mini flock ( 2...
  15. Apyl

    No more PRESALES on my Pilgrim eggs

    Why not set up pre-sales on another site. I see you have a web page, why not do it thru there? Just put the info in your signature for people to go there. Criagslist and Ebay are options as well. Just because BYC doesn't allow pre-sales doesn't mean you cant do it another way.
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