Recent content by Ann Wellhouse

  1. Ann Wellhouse

    Rooster beaten hens

    I'm going to print your reply and read it now and again when I need a confidence boost.
  2. Ann Wellhouse

    Rooster beaten hens

    They were probably born around January. I acquired them in late May and they were already laying but not full grown. They are also undersized compared to my other Australorps but that might be because of the lost feathers. They are nice chickens but meek.
  3. Ann Wellhouse

    Rooster beaten hens

    Yes, they are happy chickies. Occasionally one might do a little peck but I haven't seen damage before acquiring these newbies. To tell the truth, I'm more embarrassed than worried. The girls seem happy but I am mortified at the idea someone would think I let this happen to them.
  4. Ann Wellhouse

    Rooster beaten hens

    Thank you. Just wanted to make sure I was doing everything possible.
  5. Ann Wellhouse

    Rooster beaten hens

    Hi I acquired some half grown hens in late spring that had been beaten by a rooster - not bloody but lots of feathers broken and missing. They have a happy life in my flock (no roosters) and my hens do not beat up on each other. After these several months they still look awful. Is there...
  6. Ann Wellhouse

    Deep Hen House Litter

    I read a post/article on this site about using deep litter in the hen house. For the past months after reading that post I've been using deep litter (straw) and here is what has happened: Helped get rid of fleas - also using diatomaceous earth; Much continuously cleaner top layer as hens turn...
  7. Ann Wellhouse

    Is Orange oil safe to spray the chicken coop with?

    Summer is coming and I know the fleas, mites and ants will return with the warm weather. I use Orange oil as a general insect repellant around the house. Is it ok to use in the Coop? Thanks.
  8. Ann Wellhouse

    Splayed leg in older chicken

    My splayed leg chicken is doing fine. She displayed the splay at about 6 weeks and it was both legs. I did everything including the elastic circles with a short piece of drinking straw between and minerals in the water etc. One leg healed but the other leg was hopeless and dragging her down...
  9. Ann Wellhouse

    Can one legged chicken make it?

    Yes. She’s thriving. She’s about half the size of the other hens. I think the best thing is that she lost the useless leg. While she still had that it dragged her down. She sleeps under where the others roost. At first I fed her treats separately to make sure she got some but now she hops...
  10. Ann Wellhouse

    Rooster killed top hen in pecking order tonight!?!?!

    We had a rooster several years ago that decided from one day to the next to beat up the hens. One died. So did the rooster.
  11. Ann Wellhouse

    Comment by 'Ann Wellhouse' in article 'Top 8 "Special" Chicken Treats'

    Many dried meal worms are just the meal worm exoskeleton. Too much can be a serious problem. They can block their digestive tract. Live meal worms or frozen meal worms are better but could still cause problems if they get too many. They can also cause fragile shells and sometimes carry bird...
  12. Ann Wellhouse

    Orphan raccoon, anyone else raise one with chickens?

    Ah. Good. Wild animals should be left in the wild or rehabilitated as needed and released. It was good of you to state the danger. I'm a biologist and have seen a lot of wild animal "pets" go really bad and the animal had to be destroyed.
  13. Ann Wellhouse

    Will runt chicken be ok laying eggs?

    One of our chicks had splay leg. We put on the standard brace and one leg healed. The other leg dragged her down a lot. One day the bad leg caught in the fence and a squirrel chewed it off. With some antibiotics it healed and she now is able to balance on one leg well and flap around with the...
  14. Ann Wellhouse

    Orphan raccoon, anyone else raise one with chickens?

    Raccoons are very dangerous. Even hand raised they become aggressive and their claws can do real damage. My neighbor tried to raise one and has multiple scars on her arms and face. Your chickens will be lunch.
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