Recent content by Ankarankar

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    How to convert metal frame run to open-air coop?

    Wow! Thats a lot of work. We looked on Facebook market place and got an eglu. (200.00) just for the eglu part. So easy to clean. I admire your designs tho. Let us know how it works out for you
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    Checking-In On Peeps - Post Here To Say Hello!

    What a nice idea! I lost one of my 4 chickens (Wyandottes), we are in the process of putting an automatic door on our eglu. I am looking for a netting that I saw on TV from a farmer who raised organic chickens. It was a dome shaped and it had mosquito like netting and he just picked it up...
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    BYC Café

    That is so hard to hear. Hope to hear good news that they have diagnosed you and you are doing well
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    Comment by 'Ankarankar' in article 'Chicken Toys: Why They're Important & How To Provide Them!'

    I have Wyandottes that I love. I found that they dont like to be touched and i have raised them from chicks. They do come running to greet me when they see me. Are they all rather reserved or just my flock of 3?
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    Thinking of adding lonely chicken to my flock of 3

    Thank you so much! I never thought of the other chicken having a disease! It is cold so i would have to keep the chicken in a cage in the house I guess. We have an eglu so they sleep together and they stay very warm. But i also have an outside run that is fenced in that i ise during the...
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    Thinking of adding lonely chicken to my flock of 3

    I had 4 Wyandottes which i raised for chicks about a week old. About 3 months ago something got into the pen and broke one of my chickens neck. So I have three chickens who have been together all their life. A lady is moving and she only has one chicken keft who is very lonely after an attack...
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    Is this molting??

    The blue coat prevents chickens from picking on another chicken? I am still fairly new at all this.
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    Is there anything wrong with this chicken egg?

    Thank you so much for the article. There does seem to be a lot of feathers in the coop all of the sudden. They started laying some eggs but not every day as they did before Nugget was killed. Does calcium help egg laying? I wilm have to look up molting as I am a fairly new chickie mama
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    Is there anything wrong with this chicken egg?

    I have 4 wyandott chickens who are about 1.5 years ild. Just recently one had its feathers pulled and we had thought it was due to infighting. The hen that had some feathers pulled stopped laying eggs consistently. Just yesterday something got in their cage around 4:00 pm. When i went to out...
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    lethargic chicken

    I have been following your story and I would like to know if the chicken feels okay now
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    Gallina Figatell: the new survival breed that does not exist yet

    Wow you surely have a lot going on! I received 4 day old Wyandottes from my future son in law and i had no idea what to do. We live on 1.5 acres in the middle of a subdivision. When they got old enough we free ranged them but they got out of the fenced area and would run all over the...
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    Sponsored Post Nestera Coop Giveaway! Total worth $1595

    Love the 25 year warranty and the easy to clean aspect of the coop
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