Recent content by animals1981

  1. animals1981

    giant canadas and egyptians? with black necked swans

    Hey there, i have not seen anyone eles who keeps black-necked swans? They are not large like other swans. They do not do well with mute swans. Unlike black swans they cant seem to hold mute swans off. Black swans know how to handle mutes. On my parent's lake they wanted white Egyptians. They...
  2. animals1981

    sos anything we can do to lure the predator to the house or ground?

    still never came back nothing not after the confrontation with the dog
  3. animals1981

    sos anything we can do to lure the predator to the house or ground?

    IT has not come back but again but the back door is unlocked. I put up a game camera and nothing but my hyena of a dog acting out. I did more work and sealing around the coop. Set traps cages. Nothing. But the dog has been opened the door at night (freezing us all) and trying to catch something...
  4. animals1981

    Hawks Hunting as a Group

    Birds of prey do hate each other so a falcon will often try to kill a hawk and vice versa and owls will eat all of them lol
  5. animals1981

    Will Fighter Chicken protect the flock?

    My Bengal cat kills large rats, possums, and weasels. I have pics of them also. I was disappointed though. I thought a large game rooster would at least attack a rat at the very least. But still, he was not able to stop a rat from taking his hens chicks. I taxidermy predators that my pets catch...
  6. animals1981

    Will Fighter Chicken protect the flock?

    Yeah i agree. I use to think a strong rooster could fight a mink off until i caught a mink on my asils head chewing it off. Roosters try but they really do need protection from another predator. I know someone who raises chickens and does falconry and his eagle owl kills whatever comes to eat...
  7. animals1981

    Will Fighter Chicken protect the flock?

    no only a dog can protect the flock like a serious dog. If its just small predators than any dog that is protective and big will do. If you have packs of coyotes you might need a real working dog. I live in canada though so we deal with all kinds of insane predators so we imported extreme...
  8. animals1981

    sos anything we can do to lure the predator to the house or ground?

    My parents place, a predator got himself into their pigeon loft killed everything but left the guineas alone? There was a fisher here that one of the dogs caught attacking a swan. She killed the fisher we got it taxidermized. For a animal that weighs so little they are big wow. But anyways. The...
  9. animals1981

    something climbed up high took out mother pigeon and two full grown young

    ate all 3 and then dragged them in holes?? I dont get it because I found a few dead huge male coons and caught one in a live have a heart trap but my dog broke the trap and killed the coon before i could relocate. Rats I thought but my cat has killed 100s over the summer? Raiding their nests...
  10. animals1981

    rats pulling birds down holes what have you tried

    Another thing. If i lure the rats out via food to where the cats are the ones who are expert killers would that be a good idea? put food in a bowl where i know the cats love to be? Once the cats see or know the rat is there catching is real easy for them. They are bengals and arabian mau so not...
  11. animals1981

    rats pulling birds down holes what have you tried

    traps, poison securing coop, nothing keeps them out i have no issue with any predators if anyone is ontario feel free let ur coons possums foxes go on my property, they dont pose a issue with the dogs but rats omg My cats killed around 10 huge ones in a week i measured and took pics of all of...
  12. animals1981

    Guineafowl way of handling threats

    they also attack predators i saw one hit a possum the head. Could they handle a weasel during the day?
  13. animals1981

    black neck swans

    we have black swans and egyptian geese on my parents lake also wild giant canada geese. Nothing else can handle egyptians. My parents really want black necked swans and have a place to get a pair. I don't think its a good idea. The black swans are good they are peaceful as long as nothing bugs...
  14. animals1981

    Guineafowl way of handling threats

    Something I noticed about guineas over past 20 years is they almost never get killed by predators. I have lost the odd chicken here and there at night, and even lost female ducks at night. Never guineas though. Even if they slept outsside of their coop. I realize they come from africa in areas...
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