Recent content by Animal-lady7

  1. Animal-lady7

    Need help with peachick!! Urgent

    Hi there, my baby peacock has suddenly … changed? I’m not really sure and just wanted a second opinion! The other day I caught her eating salt, some had spilled on the floor and she ate a bit, I’m not sure how much and if that amount could do her damage? Opinions would be great because today...
  2. Animal-lady7

    Please help! Baby peacock not walking

    Hi all, A peackick just hatched under a chicken and when we found him he was sitting about 20 cm away from her. Little bud is very flat, and seems to have either splayed legs or a Brocken hip? Also his toes are curled and his feet are shaking, he is unable to walk and seems to have soar feet...
  3. Animal-lady7

    HELP Quail with abscess!!

    I went away for a week and apon returning I noticed a lump on my quails face He has a massive abscess on his eye and I’m not sure how to help him. Due to money issues I am avoiding the vet but will take if I need to Please help!
  4. Animal-lady7


    Thanks for the advice I believe it was some kind of infection as she died that night Maybe the parents broke her legs or something drastic But thanks anyway 😢
  5. Animal-lady7


    Please help I am considering taking him to the vet but would like to see if there are any other options first!! I checked on my baby pigeons this arvo and when I looked in one of the nesting boxes one of the baby’s was not looking good! He is very thin and his legs are crossed almost like...
  6. Animal-lady7


    Thanks for the advice I will try worming her and see if she gets any better, if not I will take her to the vet.
  7. Animal-lady7

    What The Heck Is This?

    Haha all good glad I could help
  8. Animal-lady7

    What The Heck Is This?

    It’s an oil gland used for preening and is very important for water proofing feathers!
  9. Animal-lady7

    What The Heck Is This?

    All of our ducklings have it I believe it is some kind of an oil gland to water proof feathers or something? But not dangerous.
  10. Animal-lady7


    Atm she is abt 5-6 weeks old. She is on a diet of young game bird food and she gets a very very small amount of fruit twice a week. She follows me through the property and if I lift a mat she will eat the earth worms underneath which occurs abt every second day or so. I s add Leo occasionally...
  11. Animal-lady7

    Starting pigeon loft! Any help pr advice will be appreciated

    In my experience the trees the pigeons will learn where the door is very quickly, the trees will also give them coverage from predators such as Hawks. Pigeons seem to prefer flat surfaces to perched such as wide Wooden planks and tables/ boxes ect. My pigeons love a large water bowl or two to...
  12. Animal-lady7


    The baby rescue peachick I am raising has suddenly gone down hill after abt 5 weeks of great health. She has become more quiet and didn’t want to follow me just sits there or walks slowly. After doing some reaserch I believe she has a dangerous type of worm but I’m not sure what wormer I can...
  13. Animal-lady7


    The baby rescue peachick I am raising has suddenly gone down hill after abt 5 weeks of great health. She has become more quiet and didn’t want to follow me just sits there or walks slowly. After doing some reaserch I believe she has a dangerous type of worm but I’m not sure what wormer I can...
  14. Animal-lady7


    I went away for a couple days and when I returned (yesterday) one of my pigeons was not looking good, I fed them as usual but she looked as if she couldn’t eat! She would pick up the seed and then drop it immediately after! When I saw this I picked her up and she was as light as a feather, to...
  15. Animal-lady7


    Thanks everyone for your replies, I just took him to the vet and it turns out he had a fungul infection in his mouth that spread through his bones and there is no known cure so sadly the little fella got put to rest 🥺🕊
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