Recent content by andreanar

  1. andreanar

    Looking for a photo to paint!

    This is great!! The painting is just for myself, not for sale or any mass production. I belong to a small art group and our painting challenge this week is "ruffled feathers". Its hard to find pictures to use as a reference because of copywrite issues,
  2. andreanar

    Looking for a photo to paint!

    Hi all! I havent been here in quite awhile! Hope everyone is doing great. Im looking for photos of polish roosters, to paint. I'd like a close up of face, well, whole head. If I could find a hen and roo head would be great. Any crazy feathered head chickens will work. So if you dont mind...
  3. andreanar

    Assistance Identifying and sexing appreciated.

    The cockerels that I see are your blue eared guy, and the one you call Frizzle. The one with the Iodine on its head, looks like a gold laced Wyandotte.Li Ming is either an australorp or jersey giant. Sabrina looks to be a frizzle bantam cochin.
  4. andreanar


    Ive read thru this thread, Im so sorry for you and your duck. I agree with checking over the area after she's gone to see if you can find anymore clues. :hugs
  5. andreanar

    adding ONE chicken

    My integrations have been brutal! I would go the broody hen way. Let her sit on an egg for 20 days, then trade the egg for a chick in the night.
  6. andreanar

    Need dimensions nest boxes

    My wall studs are spaced 16" too, so that makes perfect sense to me, sounds like a great plan. Thanks all for answering.
  7. andreanar

    Need dimensions nest boxes

    I am so sick and disgusted by my current coop. Im building a new one. I am planning built out nest boxes to access from the outside and save space inside. I keep LF mostly. What is the size of an appropriate sized nest box? Length, width, height and depth? Thanks in advance.
  8. andreanar

    Ragnhild the Ex-Battery Hen, Before & After

    Beautiful! Great job of helping these girls have a good normal life
  9. andreanar

    Have we damned ourselves to eternal chicken herding/guarding?

    A hawk swooped down a few weeks ago and killed one of my hens, My sister was standing maybe 25 feet away. Then it proceeded to eat it right there. So, whether you are there or not does not matter. Full grown hens are NOT too big for hawks! This is the absolute truth.
  10. andreanar

    Trying the Roo thing...

    Usually around this time, 6-8 months old, is when all my past cockerels started being jerks. So we shall see what the next few months bring.
  11. andreanar

    Trying the Roo thing...

    I totally agree. I don't interact with him at all really. We just ignore each other. I have no need for a roo, but he can stay as long as he's not a brat. I cant wait until his first molt. One of my EE's just grew back in from her first molt and I cannot believe how pretty she is. Ive...
  12. andreanar

    What breed is this chick?

    First thought was australorp. Post back in a few more weeks.
  13. andreanar

    Trying the Roo thing...

    Right! I always thought he was plain and ugly, black and white....boooring! But as he ages, he's getting prettier. Heres an earlier photo of him..ugly and boring,
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