Recent content by amyreed90

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    Review by 'amyreed90' in article 'Killer in the Shadows. How My Flock and I Learned to Deal With Marek's Disease'

    I have mareks in my flock. I have lost 6 silkies to it always at point of lay and another one is showing signs. My oldest bantam silkie I've had 2 years has somehow survived the disease. I also have buff orphingtons who have been exposed however I haven't lost a single buff to the disease and...
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    Do my hens have mareks disease?

    She was quite a lively bird always running away now she cant be bothered. If i put her down she just falls over but then gets back up and walks for a short while. Doesnt appear to have any injuries. No respiratory symptoms. I've checked her over for lice didn't notice any problems on her skin...
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    Do my hens have mareks disease?

    I lost one of my silkies over a year ago, she kept falling over, would put one leg in front of the other, lost weight and passed away. 8 months later I lost her sister, she became lethargic, wouldnt come out, started having labored breathing and died. I did have a problem with lice at the time...
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    Buff orpington pullet or cockerel? 5 months

    What's the sex?
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    Do my hens have mareks?

    In April one of my silkies slowing started to deteriorate, she started by staggering, tripping over to barley walking at all. She did have lice at the time but managed to clear that up and it didn't help. Yesterday one of my buffs has started to trip over exactly how it all started with my...
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    Buff orphingtons and silkies

    This the set up 2/3 of it as I don't have full pic.
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    Buff orphingtons and silkies

    I had 4 buff orphintons and two silkies, who use to get to fine. Since lockdown they did fight a bit but that calmed down. One of the silkies become unwell and died last week, problem is my other silkie is now getting picked on. If I get two more silkies will this help?
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    My hen is walking funny and falling over

    I used desi dust and in the end had to wash them out with dog, flea and tick shampoo which done the trick. I have used desi dust on the rest of them and is doing the job. Sheila the sick hen was infested with them so had to take another option. I don't think she has layed an egg in a long time...
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    My hen is walking funny and falling over

    My hen started to stumble over a month ago, I thought nothing of it. In the last few days she is falling over and is trying not to use her right leg. I brought her home and checked her over, no signs of injury. But I did find she had been infested in lice. I have now got on top of that and...
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    Buff orpingtons, female or male?

    Thank you, yes they are called blondie and penny 😁 😁
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    Buff orpingtons, female or male?

    That's what I thought but my blue didn't get its combs till later on.
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    Buff orpingtons, female or male?

    Hi, I posted a few weeks ago about my orphintons, my blue one turned out to be a cockeral. My buffs are now 19 weeks old. There bodies are starting to look different, I'm just hoping they are both hens 😁
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    Hens or roosters?

    So do I 🤞 their only 7 weeks
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    Hens or roosters?

    Its gone back to the farm it came from bless it, I now have two silkies to replace him.
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    Hens or roosters?

    I'm still hoping it lays an egg in next few days lol
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