Recent content by Amy caldwell

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    Comment by 'Amy caldwell' in article 'Cleaning and storing fresh eggs'

    Never wash eggs in warm water as the will start to cook.. always wash them in nothing but cold water with no soap or anything in it
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    Buff opprington has a rattling chest

    Hi there she is all back to normal and is clucking in her chicks great!
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    Buff opprington has a rattling chest

    Thankyou I'll have a look at that and will tell you my results!
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    Buff opprington has a rattling chest

    Thankyou I'll have a look at that.
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    Buff opprington has a rattling chest

    I'll check her crop today to see if it's any of the above of what you say. She is wheezing a bit but no coughing.. she's looking after her chicks well and is taking them over to get food and water but it's just the wheezing pulling her energy levels down a bit.
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    Buff opprington has a rattling chest

    My buff opprington has hatched some chicks.. she has now got a cold and her chest is rattling really bad.. she can't really cluck her chicks back as you can't hear over the rattling. Is there anything I can give her to get over the rattling?
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    Duck leg injury

    Hi it's an Aylesbury duck about 2 years old..lives in a shed at night with other ducks and hens.. gets out every morning and is out in acres if land with waterfalls and gets plenty fresh is eating and drinking good. They got left out late one night and may have been chased by a...
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    Duck leg injury

    Hi I have got the exact same problem but I'm wondering if there is any home remedies you could feed the duck that could maybe give it a bit of energy or anything at all thanks
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